The rain is coming!

1 minute read time.

Ah winter training is always the bit i dread. I have to say i'm very much a fair weather triathlete - this doesn't fit too well in the UK and in the far North East of Scotland possibly even less so! But thankfully my new turbo trainer has arrived- my bright green Kurt Kinetic Rock n Roll trainer. i haven't used it yet, but i'm looking forward to it already, apparently it will allow me to bounce side to side on my sufferfest videos like just on a real bike, which should really help with my training. This morning i did make the swimming pool for a very poor 40 minute session. This is the bit i really have to force myself to do twice a week as i really don't like swimming, but it was pointed out on Monday that i have a good front end of my arm stroke but then it doesn't really do anything at the back end. No push, no acceleration - this may explain the little old ladies zipping past me at todays morning session. Ah well. At least i have my bright green machine to look forward too!

At this point i should also thank my wife for letting me have this set up in the Kitchen :)....

  • FormerMember

    Am I missing something, why are you blogging about triathlon training on here?????

  • FormerMember
    Because like a lot of folk I'm raising money for Macmillan in my case by running Triathlons. There is a large community of Fundraisers and a traithlon Macmillan group, and i would like to encourage others to try events to raise awareness and money for a great cause. The blogs are support also for people trying to help the cause by taking on unique challenges.
  • FormerMember

    Hi Rob,

    Thanks so much for fundraising for us. The money brought in by our fundraisers plays a vital part in helping us to support people affected by cancer.

    You've certainly taken on some gruelling challenges! It's really great that you're blogging here, and we look forward to following your progress.

    I hope you don't mind, but I've just edited your blog description a little bit to say that you're fundraising for Macmillan - hopefully that will avoid any more confusion.

    Good luck with the training.
