Strange...but very Wonderful!

2 minute read time.
Hi guys, Well I have had the strangest day today and I thought I would share it with you. As you know my lovely friend Elaine passed away just over a week ago. She was such a beautiful person and I miss her immensely. I really, really wanted to pay my respects and say goodbye at her Funeral. Unfortunately, I discovered her Service was being held today....the same day I am booked in for my three weekly Herceptin Cycle! I have been so upset since finding this out. I’ve been on the phone to the Hospital to see if they could juggle my treatment day. However as we have just had a Bank Holiday it wasn’t possible to rearrange it for later in the week and they really didn’t want to postpone it. They really did try though bless them, Elaine was being treated by the same team as me and they all knew her. I’ve been thinking about my friend a lot this past week, I always do to be honest. I’m definitely an emotional person, wear my heart on my sleeve so to speak, I mean I cry at blooming adverts for goodness sakes! Anyway this morning I phoned my friend Jenny, she is going to Elaine’s Service this morning and I just asked her to give the family my love and to say goodbye to my beautiful friend for me. It was with a very heavy heart that I left for treatment this morning. I felt I was letting Elaine down. I wasn’t strong enough to go to my other friend Lucy’s Service and it was so important to me that I made it to Elaine’s. I know it may sound a bit melodramatic but you have no idea how much this beautiful spirit impacted my life and how important it was for me to just say goodbye. So there we are, hubby is driving me to treatment at the RUH in Bath, Kiz is with us as Sam just drops me off and she keeps me company. The traffic was a nightmare as usual so he decided to take the back roads. We turned down into a little lane, the type that is only wide enough for one car, with the odd lay-by so cars can pass each other. We got almost to the bottom when we had to stop, pull into the little lay-by and let the oncoming traffic pass. Well would you believe it! It was a funeral cortege, I knew immediately that it was Elaine, she was being taken from the Funeral Parlour back to her wonderful family and lovely home one last time. I just sat there stunned for a moment, my eyes filling up with tears, then I realised that this is what I wanted, I wanted to say goodbye to her and here I was being given the perfect opportunity. So I said a little prayer as she passed and blew her a kiss. Now you could say it was coincidence, or like me you could say it was a mini-miracle, either way I don’t care. I had got to say goodbye to my beautiful friend and I felt blessed. What a strange yet wonderful thing to happen, so today I said farewell to my friend and got to have treatment too! Rest well dear friend and have a fantastic journey! I wish all of my friends on here continued health and happiness Love as always Indie xx
  • FormerMember

    Hi Indie,

    Thank you so much for sharing your day here.  I am a great believer in 'synchronicity' as there's no such thing as coincidence in my experience!  I think it was a wonderful way of saying goodbye to your friend and I'm sure she knew you were there. You will always remember today and the 'specialness' of it (is there such a word? lol).  It gives me such a wonderful lift when these events happen, whether to me or anyone else.

    Take care

    pheonix  xxx

  • FormerMember

    .............. these things happen all the time

    i think elaine wanted to say goodbye to you too and she was there with you
