in sickness and in health

1 minute read time.

A short history  about us both.  We are in our sixties and although we have been together for nearly 25 years, I proposed 3 years ago and we got married at long last!  It was a fantastic day and we went away on honeymoon a week late  later (only because I mucked up the dates !) 

At that moment in time, Mike had already been diagnosed with prostate cancer, had a prostectomy, followed by chemo and we understood that he was all clear.  When we went to see his oncologist after the honeymoon, we were given the news, that not only had it returned but he now had secondry bone cancer and it was incurable.  Needless to say, we were both numb with shock and dealt with it by having fish and chips at our favourite garden centre.  Up until then, we had been on the healthy food regime and it was Mike's way of saying 'stuff it!'

Since then, it has been a slow and laboured fight to try and overcome the disease and I have been awed and overcome with admiration for my brave and wonderful soulmate.  Through it all, he has fought it with positive thinking and wonderful black humour and his doctor has been amazed that he has lasted so long and had been pain free until now. 

Sadly things have changed, quite dramatically in the last few weeks and part of me is hoping he will bounce back yet again and part of me is s...t   scared that it is different this time.

I do not intend for this to be a 'heavy and depressing' blog, merely to share how things are and let off steam every now and then  for my own sanity! 

I will be in touch soon

