Im so scared

Less than one minute read time.

This week my mum was diagnosed with Lung Cancer.

We are yet to see the Lung Specialists, we see them on Tuesday, we dont know what options we have or what stage it is classed at.

I feel frightened, scared, angry - I feel like I want to curl up into a ball and come out when its all over, but  for my mum I can't.  She looks so well and fit, the Dr's have said they've never seen a case like it, where the patient is showing no signs of lung cancer or any secondary cancer - hence they mis-diagnosed it at first.

Im not sure Ive ever felt so sad.  Its like someone has come and picked my whole family up and turned them upside down. 

I am wishing my days away at the moment, Tuesday 24th seems like a life time away at the moment.

Im just so scared.  I cant imagine my life without my mum xx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Allison,

    I'm so sorry you've had this awful news, my dad was diagnosed with lung cancer with secondaries to the bones on March 28th. First off let me tell you that although the whole process of cancer is stressful and scary, this place you're at us the most intense. I found the not knowing exactly what was happening immensely hard on the nerves. The wait for news seems like an eternity but it will come and whatever the outcome, please know that you adapt. Your parameters of what is normal or acceptable shift and you start to really appreciate the good times and absorb the bad ones. Fingers crossed that for you the news is positive, I'll be thinking of you on the 24th and in the meantime stay strong and remember that you're not alone, there's a raft of us on here all fighting the same fight and supporting each other, all the best, Vikki xxx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Allison,

    I have said it more than once the hardest part of Having Cancer is the WAITING for test results scan results,No

    matter how much you worry or get up tight it wont change the outcome of the results. I hope come Tuesday the news is good.  Look after yourself

    Take care and be safe Big Hugs Love Sarsfield.xx

  • FormerMember

    hi hun

    i didnt have any symptoms either before i went into hospital with sceptaceamia hadnt ever had more than a cold then they gave me a scan and found i had secondary cells in my liver i have 3 kids aged from 16 to 28 still at home one parent family so its a hard thing to face up to but you know we just get on wit it us mums so support mum best you all can find out the plan for her on the 24th and go with it the waiting for the plan to be put in place is the longest as the guys on here say but be strong and positive always do your crying and get on with things im sure you will cope very well we all do on here have our bad days and our good days like everyone on here but youve come to the right site for support all the way take care of your mum hun love and hugs jen xxx

  • FormerMember

    Hi guys

    Thank you so much for your kind words and encouragement, its been a very long week, my mum is broken hearted and frustrated, she said she wanted to run into the Freeman Hospital and scream why are you not treating me now!

    We have 2 more sleeps to get to her appointment, the unkown is driving us demented, however not long now, I have all our questions wrote down and hopefully we'll have a clearer picture of what is going on, and what can or can't be done.

    I've been feeling very selfish and wishing this on someone else, I don't want it to be my mum, I feel guilty for feeling that way cos I wouldn't actually wish it on anyone.

    I'll let u know how we get on, I just hope there is a glimmer of hope somewhere in this dark place we are in at the moment.

    Its so frightening xxx

  • FormerMember

    Bless you, My daughter is just like you, reading your post helps me to understand how she is feeling. I was diagnosed in Febuary with lung cancer and know how you are all feeling.  As others have said,believe it or you learn to adapt...ish, you have to really.  Do you see how being on this forum helps though,reading yours helps me understand my family, we can help one another so much through this space.

    I will be thinking of you all tomorrow and wishing you all the best.