Giz a job!

2 minute read time.

Hiya you lot just wanted to update you on the job front.

GP appointment went really well and he was very supportive giving me ideas and making me see I was just lacking a bit of confidence.  I seem to think I have no skills after such a long time out of work but i'm willing to give anything a go honest guv!!!!

He suggested I go home and pick up the phone to DWP to start the ball rolling.  SOOOOO that's exactly what I did.  A very helpful lady explained the protocal.  I get an appointment at the jobcentre with a disability advisor.  They give me a skills assessment to see what job would be suitable and I go off to do any kind of training etc. Look and get a job but for the 1st year it cant't be more than 16 hours to see if i'm OK.  The system seems very fair in that you are eased back gently with no pressure, though I am an impatient person and want  to run before walk, so a year with let's see how you go and being monitored seems very long to me, but hey ho and off we go.

Right, next I rang the good old jobcentre and explained my situation. They opened a file for me and took details.  Then the advisor rang me to make an appointment.  Here's the funny bit, brace yourselves!!!!! She explained that her diary was very full and she was the only advisor in our large area. 29th Juune was the next available slot!!! WHAT, REALLY, so can I look for work ar find a job myself in the meantime. No the skill assessment has to be done, it takes about an hour, but o slot till then.  So I sit here still on benefit that I don't want till then.  Now does that make economic sense and does it sound like an efficiant system of getting the disbled back to work.  And remember I went to them and asked tee hee :)))))).  Maybe they shoul employ a few more advisors to get more people through the system faster or is that too simple???

Anyway, here I am waiting and wondering.  Oh well  it's a lovely sunny day here though a bit cols so I think i'll go walk the dog, then come back do the hoovering and maybe even dust today, 'cos let's face it I do have quiite a bit of time on my hands :))))))))))

Take care all

Jan xxxxxxxxxxxx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Jan...great news that you can get back to work but it seems ridiculous that you have to wait that long...and I bet there are hundreds of things you can do - and from your entries on here, you are certainly good at "chatting" too so would be brilliant working with people.....well....let's just hope the sunshine comes back so you can enjoy you last few months of no work (although housework...well, clue is in the name, that's hard work!!).

    In the meantime, if there is anything you really want to do, you could use this time to get the skills but I bet you have them lurking there already.

    Take care too xxx 

  • FormerMember

    Hi Jan,

    That is ridiculous! I am sure you could start looking around on the net and in the job centre etc to see what is out there and think what you might like to do.... and as annie says get your skills brushed up. I would also ring them and say if they have any cancellations to let you know as they may well have a gap come up at some point.

    In the meantime, enjoy your hoovering eh?

    16 hours sounds like a good way in as you might find it tiring after all this time and working is a lot more tiring than you think it is- i know haha.

    Little My xxx

  • FormerMember

    Thanks for the encouragement you two.  LM i'm on the list to accept a cancellation at short notice but apparently that is a massive list of it's own tee hee.  I think the 16 rule is a really good idea and in actual fact call be a lazy b***h but I only intend to return on a partime basis anyway.  Dunc can still be the main wage earner I reckon!!!

    I am already thinking about skills and I think something in advocacy and making a difference to other peoples experiences as in/out patients sounds satisfying.  I'll have to find out what training is needed and if there are many posts out there for that type of thing.  Also some kind of call centre work but again on the advocacy or medical front.

    Take care all

    Jan xxx

  • Hi Jan never thought there would be such a waiting list and if she is the only one and so much work on offer maybe there's an opening there for you.Advocacy is a great job we had a wonderful lady mental health advocate who used to come to the ward every week and she made a huge difference to many of our patients and I think you would be so good at that as you have experience of people who suffer from mental health problems.What ever you do I wish you the best of luck Cruton xxxx
  • FormerMember

    Hi Jan,

    Great news about the job, but what a ridiculous amount of red tape to get you back to work. Your GP says it's a good idea and that should be enough. Why the skills assessment? I'm sure you know what you can do and at 16 hours you and the employer would soon know if you are right for the job.

    As Cruton says perhaps you should have applied for her job, I'm sure you could do it better than the present incumbent!!!

    Have you thought of volunteer work in the meantime? It may help your confidence whena better opportunity comes up.

    LM! We need another song!

    Big Hugs,

    Odin xxxxxxxxxxxxx