Eyore is feeling Glum today!

1 minute read time.

Goodness me for a start i do know how to spell know see, just hit the wrong key oops.  Well,  i don't usually write blogs just read and post on others but felt i needed to today.

Quick recap for those who don't know me.  I'm a year post radiotherapy, surgery and chemo with bowel cancer and have a permanent stoma in the process.  This community has helped me no end through the whole process especially now when the waiting game and unsure feelings lurk in the background. 

Getting on with my own dilemma is doable shall we say, but in June 2011 my dad was diagnosed in hossie with prostate cancer with bone mets.  He went in with much pain in groin and back but when discharged on hormone therapy, palliative, he was amazingly pain free, which has continued till a few weeks ago.  Then the pain has crept upon him and things like walking his little dog has become more of a struggle and going to sleep isn't easy etc. i'm sure there are those of you out there that can empathise with him.  He at present is just coming out of a few weeks of denial and it has hit him that the pain is actually his cancer.

Any thoughts, support, info etc would be very much appreciated.  I find lots of good support on here for myself so i'm sure there'll be some for me to pass on to him.

Thanks in advance

Take care all.


p.s. I'm a Winnie the pooh fan and the title is therefore obvious, but would rather be in a tigger mood.

  • FormerMember

    Hi Rabbit :) No advice, I'm afraid, but sending you a big hug till you are Tigger again

    Little My xxx ((((((((((((((Jan )))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

  • FormerMember

    Unsure feelings I know plenty about. Know very little about prostate cancer, apart from what elderly gents told me about how radiation and hormone injections affected them. Tough for your father going through the denial thing, then realising that the cancer is making itself known through pain. Has he been in touch with GP or hospital to find out whether there is some way that relief can be obtained....at least so that he can sleep? Don't know whether TENS machine can be used, or heated pads. Perhaps something that can be checked out.

    Spelling and other mistakes welcome here! Sometimes my brian gets there before my brain. I got my Tim and Colin mixed up on warped this morning. Just important that we communicate and help each other in our unique way.

    Love and hugs to you all, and hope Tigger is up and about again soon xxxxxxxxxxx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Jan,

    My thoughts are with you both and your family. Sit and hold his hand and talk about the good and happy times you both had. about all the beautiful memories you will always carry in your heart. How you both will always be close together, no matter what happens, he will always be in your heart.

    Take care and be safe Big Hugs Love Sarsfield.xx

  • FormerMember

    Thankyou so much,

    I'm already feeling more composed.  I rang dads' specialist nurse at hossie this afternoon and was given useful advice which i passed on to dad.  He seems pleased and more relaxed that i did so and hope he's taken the advice onboard. 

    Eyeore is ever so slightly smiling and feeling pleased with himself.

    Take care all

    Jan xx