A pariticularly bothersome week in which rabbit's list was essential.

2 minute read time.

Sunday afternoon  and finally I get to catch up on here as i've only managed to read friends statuses a few times last week. 

Anyone who knows me on the site will also know my dad isn't coping well after falling whilst dog walking.  Well he fell again on Monday but wasn't hurt.  Then two more falls at home one of which was in the night and my poor mum tried to struggle with him for two hours 'cos she didn't want to disturb us. In the end she phoned me upset and we went out to put him back to bed and I slept over.

From there things have gone down hill rapidly day on day.  Tuesday, we met our mMacmillan nurse for the first time and she was absolutely brilliant and immediately put a care plan into place.  From there, we've had district nurse, g.p., home bladder scan, home bloods, ocupational health, physio and carers all refferred, some seen and some awaiting.

Up until Friday afternoon I have been caring for him with my sister round the clock.  He has become almost immobile and so quickly with no answer yet as to why??  The stairs are almost immpossible to manage and not safe, all personal hygiene and toiletting needs assistance.  I've nursed for many years on an elderly dementia ward but it's heartbreaking when it's your dad.

I was so relieved that the district nurse had put carers into place for Friday evening onwards.  Then the crunch came.  A distraugtht phone call from mum that the carers couldn't take him up or down stairs due to health and safety.  An extra stair rail was on order but he had deteriorated that fast it would be of no use and a downstairs bed was required.  Until thats in place (and we're still waiting even as i type), the carers are of no use.  Hey ho, i've now done day four of getting him up, my sister does putting to bed and we share night oncall duty.

Sorry for the woffle, but you are all up to date on the janbo front now.  My lists  have been long and they are being ticked off.  There are many crossings out and adaptings on there.  Any advice on my last entry??? If bed doesn't arrive where does dad sleep?  If we manage upstairs I think he will be stuck up there for good.  Settee is unsafe, he'll fall off.  Camp bed is too low.  Ho hum what a dillemma.  Maybe I could utilize LM's invincibles and Tim's rope and tight line to make a hammock, what do you think?

If i'm not around you know why now.  Take care everyone and I hope you are all ok, especially those for chemo and hossie and appointment or result waiting.

Onwards and upwards

Love Jan xx

ps. here are some of rabbits useful tips.

Delegate on those busy days.

Stop to pass the time of day

Taking a break restores your energy levels

That'll do for now bye bye xxx


  • FormerMember

    Just popped in for a quickie hehe,

    Just got back from dads. The bed arrived and Dunc rearranged the dining room which is now the new bedroom.  It was really upsetting keeping the lump in my throat under control, but needs must.

    Thankyou so much for your kind, practicle and sincere thoughts they really do mean lots.  It was quite theraputic tyoing it this afternoon and uplifting in spirit that you lot are there for me.  WE ARE ALL HERE FOR EACH OTHER and it is a comfort.  That's enough of mushy stuff.

    Now, those rabbit tips are for all of you too.  I am going to try and foolow them.  I have a book of Practicle Pooh Tips and everyone in there is very wise indeed. I'm gonna leave one with you every time I log in hehe,

    Take care all

    Love and hugs and thanks xxxxxxx


    ps. Reduce headaches - find another way. 

    That's a good one eh




  • FormerMember

    I have eeyores little book of gloom. I won't be leaving you quotes from there... :D

    Glad the bed arrived ...


  • FormerMember

    We have the Tao of Pooh and the Te of Piglet somewhere around the house, and also Winnie-the-Pooh in Latin. 

    I don't know if that's a good thing or a bad thing.

    I'm glad things have progressed since you posted before. Getting the bed, and getting the room sorted, is a big step; not being able to get on with it must've been really frustrating. I know it's a big step, not least emotionally, but I hope it will help.



  • FormerMember

    Hi Jan,

    Really sorry to hear about your Dad, you really are being a great daughter to him and your mum by doing all you can. H&S can be a real pain can't it, but I hope the new bed does make things easier.

    I'm returning the big hugs you gave me, and am looking forward to more tips!

    Tight Lines

    Tim xxx

  • FormerMember

    Really sorry to hear about the rough time you are having but glad that MacMillan are coming up trumps and that you have a bed sorted, and gold star to Dunc for doing his bit too.

    Big hugs, and hope all the family are looking after themselves....more rough seas ahead I suspect.

    Been hectic here, but just wanted to say that I'm thinking of you all
