2 minute read time.

My mum 47 has been in stuck in bed since july last year and we all thought it was due to back problems and the doctors wasnt really doing anything but prescribing pills she could move around a bit then and went for an mri but in my town it was a portable one and tiny and she got really claustraphobic and couldnt do this so the docs said they would refer her elsewhere that never came. one day she fell out of bed and hurt her knee she was taken to hospital and they xrayed her knee know where else not evan her back and said again that they would refer her to sheffeild hospital that was before christmas and the later finally came the other day but shed already had her scan as my dad said enough was enough she had months of not been able to get out of bed or even using the loo. My dad lied and said she couldnt move her legs at all and a st johns amulance came and they didnt evan have the flashing lights on or have her strapped to her bed. And also three times an amulance was ment to come and pick her up to take her to see specialist but she needed gas and air just to get out of bed and three time the ambulance service let her down. so anyway she got to lincoln and they xray her and told us the news that  she needed an op asap otherwise she might never walk again so she was rushed to nottingham with the flashing lights on this time and strapped to a bed.Nottingham informed us that she had secondary cancer in her neck after having breast cancer 10 yrs ago. She had the op and all was well. But yesterday i was dealt a shattering blow my dad and auntie told me and brother well it was my auntie that told us as  my dad was to upset to tell us that her cancer was bad and that she needed another op as the cancer had broken the bone in her neck and if they didnt operate then eventully the pressure would cause her neck to break and that would be it. then we were also told that there is nothing they can do for the cancer as she has it three places. I knew straight away that ment my mum would die from this. When my dad left to drive the 70 miles to nottingham i said to my little brother 19 that did he realise she would die from this and he didnt he sobbed his heart out and and said he couldnt imangine mum never seeing him grow up. I have spent alot of my life worrying that my dad would never see me grow up as hes alot older than my mum never in my wildest dreams would i imagine losing my my and today it dawned on my while my freind was on about her 30th birthday it dawned on me that my mum may not make it to my 30th birthday and to this i feel great sadness

  • FormerMember
    Thinking of you and your family (((((( big hugs ))))))))
  • FormerMember

    So sorry to hear what you are going through, its a terrible time for you all.

    My Mum passed away on 7th March after we were told in January she had 3 to 6 weeks left with secondary breat cancer that spread to her Liver, I was hoping she would last until Mothers Day but it wasn't to be. Make the most of the time you have with your Mum and tell her you love her, that was the last thing I said to my Mum. It will be a very hard journey for you all but all you can do is your best, there will be times when you get angry, upset, tired and every other emotion you can think of, but we are all human and can only do what we can.

    Thinking of you