The big day rapidly approaches...

1 minute read time.

So, it's off into hospital tomorrow for the op on Wednesday.

It's been a busy few days since seeing the surgeon when she described the operation to us. Lots of nice things: family get together the weekend before last including cuddling baby neice, swimming with siblings, and a garden fireworks display causing much excitement for the younger generation.

I seemed to be quite aware of doing various things for the last time before the operation last week: the last ballet class, the last day at work...

In terms of preparation for the surgery, the pre-assessment seemed to be fine as far as we know. The nurse was positive anyway - singing the praises of the surgeon which was reassuring to hear. And we had a fantastic meeting with the Stoma Care Nurse. She explained all sorts of things about the ward, the operation, first few days of recovery, life with a stoma. She also was positive about the way I had responded to the chemoradiation. In particular she mentioned that the scans looked as though the lymph nodes had been successfully irradiated. Sure, they can't really tell what's going on until they have them out of me and under the microscope, but it was very encouraging to think that the problem seems very well contained.

Anyway, she was generally lovely and left you feeling all the staff are going to do all they can to support me (us).

I think I'm managing to stay fairly positive. I wouldn't say that I am looking forward to the surgery. It is of course really daunting, but I am looking forward to getting on with the recovery post-surgery. I know it's going to be tough, but it just has to be got through so that I can get on with the next phase (follow up chemotherapy) and then the rest of life in what by then had jolly well better be a cancer-free state.

So, wish me luck! (By the way, no flowers until I get home - the hospital doesn't allow them... They haven't said anything about chocolate though... Yes. Pretty sure chocolate is OK!).

  • FormerMember

    Good Luck I am sure that all will go well!

    Don't eat too many chocs they used to give me the runs when I first had my stoma.

    I don't have much bother now!

    All the best Love Julie XX

  • FormerMember

    Hi Wannadance,

    I have never heard a Patient so positive and upbeat

    before major surgery. Thats the type of attitude you need to kick this thing up the bum. I can only wish you all the very best for your surgery and your recovery. I wish I could deliver the Chocies myself.

    You deserve them.

    Take care and be Safe Big Hugs Love Sarsfield.xx

  • FormerMember

    Wishing you all the best of luck.....before surgery I always tell myself.......I go to sleep and when I wake up it's all over, it helps me, and I've had 8, hope you recover quickly

    Liz xxxx

  • FormerMember

    Good luck and a speedy recovery, i am sure we all wish you well.

    will be thinking of you on wednesday.


  • FormerMember

    Been there - got the T shirt. Tough times ahead but you will get through it especially with that attitude. Good luck and keep smiling


