Some good news...

1 minute read time.

My scans have come back showing no signs of cancer anywhere other than the original tumour site discovered a couple of weeks ago. Yippee! What a massive relief.

I was told far more than I expected over the phone. The proposed course of treatment will be five weeks of radiotherapy and chemo (the latter being a low dose I gather which helps the effectiveness of the radiotherapy). The five weeks is Monday to Friday with time off for good behaviour at weekends. I then rest for 4-6 weeks and have another scan to monitor response to radiotherapy. Then it should be in for surgery.

Not sure when it will all get started as I don't actually have an appointment to go into the clinic yet. Hopefully I'll see the relevant people next week and then we can get on with it. Unfortunately the radiotherapy won't be at our local hospital but the surgery should be. 

Although part of me had been hoping for surgery as soon as possible, in many ways it might be easier for the family for this not to happen until into the new school term. I think P (my elder daughter) would have found it hard if I was in hospital and recovering from surgery slap bang in the middle of the school hols. So all in all, I couldn't have hoped for better news today.

  • Oh, this does sound positive news. I know what mean about the feeling of' 'get the damn thing cut out of me NOW'!  My surgery was delayed and delayed because of a complication but, as it turned out, it did me a favour because the cancer was shrunk by treatment prior to surgery, so when I did have the surgery it was less radical than originally planned.

    Let us know how you get on.


  • FormerMember

    Hi wannadance,

    Good News at last and about time.Good Luck with the surgery.

    Take care and be safe Big Hugs Love

  • FormerMember

    Great news, I am happy for you. Good Luck with your treatment. Love Julie X Being positve works!