It's still early days

1 minute read time.

I realise looking at the blogs on this site, that I have a long journey ahead. Tomorrow I expect a call from the Colorectal nurse booking me in to see the consultant to discuss treatment in light of whatever is revealed by the MRI and CT scans. I just hope that the results get to the multidisciplinary meeting in time and we're not delayed by a week (these meetings are every Thursday morning in MK I gather). And then of course I hope to hear that the cancer hasn't spread and there is a clear treatment that can be started ASAP. Although I'm optimistic, I do realise that it is unlikely to be quite so straight forward. 

For now, I'm just getting on with each day and trying to enjoy life as best I can. I got to ballet tonight for the second time this week - a brilliant class with only two of us there so almost private. I love my Wednesday ballet. As I don't know what my treatment will be, I don't know how realistic it will be to hope to keep these classes up but I certainly intend to try and get to each one I can while I'm still fit.

And, a quick message to my sister in case she is reading this: lots of love to you and M. I hope A has a comfortable night and puts up a good fight to beat the infection quickly. I'll be thinking of you. xxxx


  • FormerMember

    Thank you so much to everyone who has commented on this post. It is touching to have so many people I have never met wishing me well.

    Eleanor (aka 'wannadance')
