Enjoying family time

1 minute read time.

The weekend focused on a couple of family outings for the girls. The highlight was the Stony Riverside Fair. We were just approaching the first small roundabout when gorgeous daughter 1 spotted her first of many friends from school. It was all very sociable.

There aren't many things to go on at the fair, but there are enough for the number of people. And considering it is all free you really didn't have to wait long at all. Except for the facepaint where P waited very patiently in the queue for an age. B went for the inevitable icecreams. S walked the whole way from home and was shattered by the end of the day. Rounded off with sunny weather it was a lovely trip out. It is an annual event so comes highly recommended for next year.

On Sunday we had a far less successful trip to the Eco Park (Gullivers Dinosaurs and Farm Park). It was deserted - as many lounging around staff as there were punters. On the way in it looked great - sand pit for digging for dinosaur bones - and some of the model dinosaurs looked really good. But the farm section was not inspiring. In fact bits of it were tacky as hell, the whole thing was run down and they could do so much more with it. However, on a positive note, it was a treat that had been promised to P for settling herself to sleep in the evenings and she and S did genuinely enjoy themselves.

From my point of view, I just want to enjoy these days as much as possible before treatment begins. I don't even know what the treamtent will be yet but it will be a few days in hospital and recovery from surgery at an absolute minimum.
