Date for surgery

2 minute read time.

I spoke to the lovely nurse today having not heard if I was booked into see the surgeon on the clinic date we discussed weeks ago.

As always she sorted it all out brilliantly: yes, I'll be able to get into the surgeon's clinic on 5 Nov (her: "what time is good for you?" me: "it would be good to get the school run out of the way - how about some time after 9:30?" her: "OK, I'll tell the surgeon's secretary between 9:30 and 10:30. That should be no problem and you'll receive a letter through the post confirming it."). And, a provisional date for surgery: 17 November.

This is within the timescale I was expecting but it had a strangely unsettling effect on me. I think I have been doing so well at getting on with things and not thinking about it, that having a date now has brought it home that this next phase - which is likely to knock me for six - is only a month away now.

Also, I am sorry for B having to cancel a work trip to the States. It sounds like such a simple thing - cancelling a trip - but it meant a lot with the changes in career direction on the horizon. This visit (planned for months when there was no knowing this would be happening now) to a lab where he has done some exciting, cutting edge research in the past has more significance than any old highlight of the year. But, that said, I am very relieved that he will be here for me and the girls.    

Also, with the nurse I discussed a little more what to expect and the timing - into hospital the night before surgery, pre-assessment the week before that. Although not really possible to predict length of stay in hospital, a typical length of stay for key hole surgery would be seven days, etc.

So, the enormity of what lies ahead has hit home a little today. But, in the meantime I look forward to a happy half term holiday in Edinburgh and making the most of the current fitness levels by carrying on with all the usual activities. (And, by the way, the party we went to this weekend just gone was great - wonderful to catch up with friends and listen to some fantastic music. It's not all doom and gloom around here you know!).

Ballet tomorrow!

Love to all.

  • FormerMember

    Glad to hear you have your date. All the best and Good Luck.

    Take care and be safe Big Hugs Love Sarsfield.xx

  • FormerMember

    Hope everything goes smoothly for you. Enjoy half term! Val X

  • Hello Wannadance,

    So glad you have got a date for surgery and I wish you all the best for that time.

    If you read my bio you will see that I too had chemo radiation followed by surgery + stoma and I can therefore understand how you may be feeling right now. Having never had anything wrong with me I was apprehensive about having an operation and how the recovery would be but I just sort of 'got in the zone' and found that it was far easier to deal with than to think about if that makes sense.

    I'm sorry about B's trip having to be cancelled, my situation has caused disruption in a number of areas of my families' plans and at times I too feel guilty. But, ask yourself this, if the tables were reversed you wouldn't hesitate to make sacrifices for B would you?

    You will need both practical and emotional support I am glad for you that you will have him close at that time.

    As an older ex-dancer I can identify with you so much and you also inspire me with your philosophy - so much so that it has gone through my mind to start dancing to some degree after all my treatment has finished.

    My very best wishes

    Cathie x

  • FormerMember

    Hi , Have a lovely holiday in Edinburgh,Good luck with the surgery. Best wishes   Sue  xx