Cycle 3 postponed until next week

1 minute read time.

A quick update on recent events:

My PICC line was fitted yesterday. I have a bit of discomfort around the point of entry and it bled quite a bit overnight. It was cleaned up and flushed through at the clinic today so all seems to be well.

I'm still getting used to it and showered with my arm wrapped in clingfilm this morning! The local pharmacies seemed a bit mystified when I asked if they sold plastic sleeves to protect a dressing. I got the impression from the nurse who did the PICC line that it would be easy to get one in Boots. Obviously not in a small local branch.

I have had an active week or so leading up to what should have been my third cycle of chemo starting today (work, ballet, cooking big dinners, etc) and was feeling reasonably well. It was a bit of a surprise and disappointment then to find out that my platelet count is low (58 and it should be 100+) and the chemo wouldn't be going ahead after all. White blood cells OK this time.

So, I'll be trying to get back into work mode over the next couple of days and should make it to ballet again tomorrow! I was tempted to go to a class I've not been to for ages this evening too but in the end I decided my arm was still too tender from the PICC line insertion and so I enjoyed a pancake and a glass of wine instead.

It will be rather nice to work from home tomorrow and not have to make another trip to Northampton. I was there on Friday, yesterday and today (today was 3 hours and that was without even going ahead with the treatment!).

Hopefully I won't have too many other delays along the way. I'm sure I'm not the only one in my situation who wants to get it over and done with as quickly as possible. Looking forward to the summer when it should all be over.


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  • FormerMember

    hi, the district nurses ordered me my arm bag for my PICC line through my prescription, however it takes a bit of getting used to but it does keep the area dry and therefore does the job it doesnt help that my PICC is on my right arm and I'm right handed, I think the bag is called a limbo and it covers your hole arm including hand so get ready to shower and wash hair etc with one arm not easy but at least you can have a laugh at yourself!!

    Take care


    • FormerMember

      will have to check this out with the district nurse when \i meet her for the first time today. Have had trouble with cling film over the first four cycles after the OICC line fitted as I have a powerful shower and cling film doesn't hold that well!

      • FormerMember


        checked the name for you it is called a limo and its made in the uk, it works for me and defo beats the clingfilm which i had loads of trouble with, had my PICC put in on New Years eve and have no trouble with it now, your GP should be able to get it for you if DN can't!! Good luck


        • FormerMember

          Thanks for the tip Mags. I'll see if the district nurse has anything for me. I've managed the clingfilm a couple of times successfully, but water got through once.

          I'm getting pain in the shoulder today so hoping that it will settle down soon. Not sure how much pain/discomfort in the first few days is to be expected but I haven't been very consistent with applying a hot water bottle as was recommended by the nurse so maybe I should try that a bit more.

          THanks again,
