Day 2 of a blog that I never imagined I would ever do, even before all this started.

Less than one minute read time.

We went to the head and neck cancer support meeting last night and found a precious soul, Mike, who has been through it his self 3/4 years ago. It is sooo lucky we found him after our last encounter and not the other way around but maybe it was meant to be, to let us realise that we may have rough times ahead how ever much we try to kid ourselves that we will sail through it.

The tiny tiny hole that K has in his right nostril keeps blocking up already and when it does he says he feels so depressed. That will, no doubt block all the time once RT starts.

I do not want to wish my life away, but roll on next spring and hopefully he will feel better about himself then, let alone the fact that any side effects should have eased off.
