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I'm 19, married with 2 kids, Im facing a real worry.. Thats putting a bigger strain on my relationship than there already is. I was getting a few weird/suspicious things, I went to the hospital and they said if I haven't got an infection. Then they strongly think I have ovarian cancer. I found out I do not have an infection and I'm going to have to have a normal ultrasound and a camera through my belly button (while I'm put to sleep) IM so worried and scared but my husband doesnt seem to care/understand?

  • FormerMember

    Hi Helen,

    It sounds as though you are really worried by this and it is not surprising. Your husband is probably just being "a man" - not that I have a problem with men, but they do tend to bury their heads in the sand when it comes to things that they do not understand, or that frighten them. (My husband certainly does). Also, he may think that he needs to "be strong for you" and thinks this is the way to do it.

    From your description, I think you'll be having a laparascopy and it is a simple procedure, but they will be able to take a biopsy or two, if needed to send for a histology report to see if there is any cancer present. I've had 2 laparoscopies - quite a few years ago now - and the worst pain I had later that day and the next was pain in my shoulders. Apparantly it's caused by the gas they blow into your abdomen (so they can have a good look around) gathering in your shoulders, but it disperses quite quickly. There was a small amount of pain from the laparoscopy incision/s too, but they'll make sure you have proper pain relief.

    Once you've had this done and the results are back, I hope your husband will go with you when you go to get the results and then he'll hopefully give you the support you need from him. If he can't go with you, please try to take a family member or friend, as one does not always hear, let alone remember, everything that is said.

    Hopefully this will all be done fairly soon, as the waiting is often the hardest part and also, it may not be cancer. You will not know until the histology report is back.

    Sending you my best wishes and hugs at this scary time,


    P.S. If you need to talk to some one, please 'phone our support line, number is below and it is free and open from 9am until 8pm - Monday to Friday. x

  • FormerMember

    Sorry, the number of the Support Line is 0808 808 00 00

  • FormerMember

    Thank you, 

    most of the time i try not to think about it, in the day i can find things to occupy but at night im just laying there in pain. i hope my husband comes out that shell and decides to actually help. the whole being put to sleep thing scares the crap out of me, i just worry that i wont wake up.. i got way to many worrys i hope the outcome of all this is good :( cant take more worry!