Nearly 6 weeks

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So it's been nearly 6 weeks since you've been gone grandma:( I've never ever felt so alone I feel empty my inspiration and idol was took so suddenly! Life's so short and I've seen how fast someone can be took away from me, from being told you had months to live to you being gone in 3 days it's just not fair you where so young, don't worry grandma ill look after mam and Leah, grandad and Andy I promise I will, I took your advice and got counselling for my depression and eating and anger if it wasn't for you changes wouldn't be happening now why can't you be here to see your 16 year old grand daughter grow up!:( I just want to make you proud of me I don't want to disappoint you are the cause of all my goals in life I hope they're looking after you up there and I hope your getting VIP treatment you deserve it your a true angel, I miss having you to talk to about my worries! I don't know what to do grandma :( I miss you and I love you!
  • FormerMember

    Hi SamanthaMay,

    Welcome to the Online Community. I'm so sorry to hear about the death of your grandma. It sounds as though she was a really important part of your life and helped you through some difficult times. It's understandable that you miss her a lot.

    I hope that it helps a little to be able to share your feelings here on your blog. If you feel it would help you to get support from others on the site who have also lost loved ones to cancer, you might also be interested in joining and posting in our bereaved friends and family group.

    If you need to talk to someone, you can also give the Macmillan team a call on freephone 0808 808 0000 (Mon-Fri, 9am-8pm).