1 year anniversary

Less than one minute read time.

It's coming up to my mums first anniversary. She passed away last year on the 14th March after A 2 year battle with colon cancer that spread. 

Im not sure why but I feel very nervous about it. Like it's the day I'm meant to do a test or something. I'm really worried about it.

I dont think I've really come to terms with my mums death at all. I was 26 weeks pregnant when she died and I've had my son to distract me for the past 8 months so I've not really had chance to think about it. In my head mums on holiday and will be back at some point. 

Also at the moment I'm clinging on to the 'this time last year' and maybe when I no longer have that it's gona hit me that she's actually gone and never coming back.

I dont how I'm ment to feel at all. 

Thank you for taking the time to read xxx





  • FormerMember

    Hi Katiedeanne55,

    I'm so sorry to read about your mum. It must be especially tough with the anniversary of her death coming up.

    If you need to get some help and support, you will probably get a faster reply in the Bereaved Family and Friends group, by starting a new discussion there.

    If you ever need to speak to someone, the Macmillan support line is free to call on 0808 808 0000 and open 9-8, Mon-Fri. Cruse Bereavement also have a support line on 0844 477 9400 (Lines open Mon-Fri 9.30-5pm, and Tues, Weds Thurs until 8pm.)

    All the best with you and your son,


    Macmillan Community Team

  • FormerMember

    Hi there Katiedeanne55,

    I am so sorry that you lost your Mum to this awful disease last March, and the fact that you were pregnant with your littleboy must have made it a lot harder to accept.  Having a baby is something we need to share with our Mum's, as they guideus and give tips on their experiences.  Most of all, we get to hear stories about our own birth, tha we haven't previously been told.

    It sounds as if the hormones you produce during pregnancy has shielded you from the pain that you would have experienced over the last year, during the first birthday, memory, Mother's Day and Christmas Day.  Maybe, rather than worrying about this first anniversary, you need to b kind to yourself, as you have coped through a really difficult year in your life. It is not easy having a baby without that personal support, and I am sure it must have hurt when you couldn't share him with your Mum. Please give yourself a pat on the back.  I am sure your Mum is watching over both you and him, and isvery proud of the Mum you have become.  

    Love and hugs to you Katiedeanne.

    Chris xxxxxx

  • Hello Katiedeanne55

    I was so very sorry to learn about the loss of your mum. You have obviously been through a very tough time and having to cope with a pregnancy and subsequent newborn must have been very hard, without her love and support.

    Anniversaries can be especially hard to cope with and you wouldn't be human if you didn't struggle. I guess with being pregnant you have soldiered on the past year and made yourself be strong for your son's sake. Like you say, he has been your focus, but as the anniversary of your loss approaches it hits you afresh. Often at the time of loss we go through these things on auto pilot and it is later it really hits us. I know when I lost my dad a few years ago nothing felt real, it was as if I was in a dream. I believe there are many many stages to grief which we have to work through. You have my deepest sympathies at this difficult time.

    Take care.

    Sue x

  • FormerMember

    hello the above comments say it all really.losing anyone is always hard +you never stop  missing them but given time it gets a little easier to remember gd times.stay stong for your little boy .on the anniversary do something special with him  .xx

  • FormerMember

    Thank you everyone. My grandma said I should maybe write my mum a letter and see if that makes a difference. Xx