I miss my mum

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My Mum died almost three weeks ago and I'm struggling to come to terms with it. I've been taking it day by day but if anything it's seems a to be getting harder rather than easier. Any support would be appreciated any free phone numbers of support lines also just want to get through this and above all I want my Mum back :(.
  • FormerMember

    I am so sorry Zoe. I lost my dad about a week before you lost your mum and I can't come to terms with it at all. I know what you mean, everybody warned me to prepare for the funeral, but compared to what life is like now the funeral was a breeze. Everyday I have a few hours where I feel normal and mess around with my dog or go and have tea with a friend and then suddenly everything drops away and I realise that I'm never going to see him again - I basically then feel angry that my mind has told me anything different or that people expect me to be OK. 

    It is going to hurt so much, and I guess the only thing to do is be kind to yourself and keep breathing. I'm sorry I don't have more answers, just know you're not alone in struggling. 

    Email me if you need.  

  • Hello Zoe.Im so sorry to hear about your Mum.Sometimes after the illness,the loss and the funeral you find you then have time to catch your breath and that's when you struggle.Prior all this you have had to stay strong and keep going for the person you love and it gives you little time to think.After there is that time to take in all that's hapoened to them and you.Its said grief comes in waves and when you least expect it which is like what Smallhands describes.It may help to speak to your GP about accessing some counselling if you feel that it maybe helpful.As often it can be hard to talk to those around you as they maybe dealing with their own grief or have moved on or perhaps they are people who think that once the funeral is over then that's that.You can also phone the Macmillan support line for help and advice the number is at the side of the page.Right now you are doing the best you can in this sad situation by taking each day each hour as it comes.Its ok not to feel ok your allowed to grieve for your mum.Sending you a huge warm hug Cruton x