I love her so much!

1 minute read time.

My gorgeous wife was finally diagnosed with Hodgkins Lymphoma in April 2011, it had spread to her vertibrae, liver and a number of spots in the node system. She had been having tests since November 2010. We know that it is one of the more treatable cancers but it is still very scarey. I have been to every hospital and doctors appointment and also to 11 of her 12 Chemotherapy sessions. Our marriage has become more and more strained and we are now in an awful situation. So much so that she would not let me go with her for the final treatment and she is going to see the consultant next week to find out if the treatment has worked and she won't let me take her. I am devastated! I have 2 lovely step daughters who no longer speak to me and only see things from their Moms point of view. I am not saying that I am an angel but I genuinly dont know where it has gone so wrong. I have tried to support her as much as possible but it is never good enough. Just a month ago we put a deposit on a caravan so that we could all get away weekends and talked about going to Europe with it next summer. The caravan was cancelled just 3 weeks later and our relationship is rock bottom. I hope that the treatment is a big part of this and that we can try to sort things out when it stops. I try to talk to her but she refuses to speak to me. I really want to get my family back!

  • FormerMember

    Martin dont give up on your family im a cancer patient since march this year and it can be the chemo i dont mean to be nast y to my family especially my husband who is doing everything to please me but i can't help it i feel its the treatment as i love him to death but can't at the moment due to my anger at this disease and how i look  no hair n stuff i dont want him to come near me i dont feel sexy or even nice right now where i am she will come round he has also been to all my chemo and hospital dr appointments but it is her way if its bad news she will want to not see you suffer i supose could be a reason just give her space  good luck and hope it is good news for you all


  • FormerMember

    Martin, I really feel for you, as our marriage was under tremendous strain the past 2 years. I was the one who was ill, and am lucky enough to be in remission, but our problems hit after the strain of me being ill for 3 years, and made worse when my FIL died last year. We have been married for over 30 years and never really rowed, but even our kids said that we weren't together like we used to be. It has taken a long time, but we are gradually getting to enjoy things together again. I felt as if I'd lost my best friend, but he had so much anger built up, and then dealing with his mother who is housebound he was coming home and taking out his frustration on me.

    Thinking back I wonder if people in our situation withdraw a little, just in case. I felt the same as Gollybears...unattractive, angry because my body has let me down, and sex....what's that???

    Good luck, and I hope things improve once she has seen the consultant. Perhaps ask to see a counsellor, either together or by yourself. It sometimes helps to offload to someone you don't know....like on here.

  • FormerMember

    Oh Martin, I can sympathise.  My husband is the patient and I am the carer it is incredibly hard on all concerned.  I too have been at every chemo and now we are approaching a stem cell transplant which should hopefully provide a more positive outcome and long life.  Our relationship is nothing to what it was I can only hope that things improve.  Until then I just plod along.    You just have to be on the edge of the circle, dipping in as and  when she wants or needs you.  Offer to drive her there and say you will wait in the car and then when she has gone in go and wait outside the doctors room so you are there when she comes out.  Just so she knows that you are there for her no matter what. My husband has said some horrible things to me and I have to believe that its the disease talking as if I didnt I think I would have walked by now. 

  • FormerMember

    Martin, I see that you tried to comment on my blog, but nothing has posted. I don't come on every day, so sorry that it's taken so long. Hope that things have improved a little. How did the consultant's meeting go? Perhaps she could only cope with her own feelings, and that is why she cut you out. She is probably terrified stupid, and that terror stays with you for a long time after treatment.

    Life for her will be a lot of "What if it comes back?" and worrying about the slightest ache or pain. This will probably be with her for a long time.

    Take care