side effects - and afterwards

1 minute read time.

well, i never expected to feel quite so crap whilst having chemo- constantly tired, loss of appetite, change in tastes, alternating between diarrhea and constipation and pain that i can only just keep at bay with tablets. still, at least i only have two more cycle(6weeks) and then i'll be having my radical cystectomy - this is the worst part and what i'm not looking forward to. everyone keeps saying how lucky i was that they caught my cancer early and that i'm getting treatment to get rid of it and then having an op to eliminate any risk of it coming back. i don't feel particularly lucky - i feel horrible, i don't want a stoma, i don't want a bag attached to my abdomen for the rest of my life - i'm sure my girlfriend will be repulsed by it, i know i would be!! ok, so i'll still be around for her, my children and grandchildren but at what cost - i won't be a man any more, in fact they may as well remove my male appendage - it will serve no purpose!!

maybe one day i will accept it but until then i'm scared, horrified and disgusted by what is going to happen to me and wish i could change my life but unfortunately cancer just takes over ones life, and that of those around you.

Rant over

  • FormerMember

    Oh my word, I thought you'd grabbed my thoughts till i came to your cancer!

    the chemo, the surgery (mine is a lost breast meaning I am no longer the woman i was) , my husband no longer coming near me - hoping thats because i am so ill but doubting it!

    rant away because even if it doesnt feel like it - it does help a tad....

    I AGREE - maybe one day i will accept it but until then i'm scared, horrified and disgusted by what has happened to me and wish i could change my life but unfortunately cancer just takes over ones life, and that of those around you

    good luck - life is better than death in the end , truly  . Kaz

  • FormerMember

    hi Kaz, only just got around to logging in as it seems to take me forever to get motivated to do anything and the last thing i was thinking about was what i had written on here. i hope that you can(and i can) learn to accept what is happening to us and to those around us especailly our partners. it would be great to think that it will be easy to accept and that they will still love us and want to be close and intimate with us but i feel its going to be a long uphill struggle. . . . . . 

    my chemo ends in just over a week and then i have to face the reality of whats next and the fact that body body is going to be changed forever, i've had no support from any professional bodies in regard to my cancer or the stoma/ileostomy and i feel a bit lost still, am off to see my oncologist this afternoon and hopefully she can poke a few people and get them in touch with me so that i can have a proper explanation of what my op involves, what happens afterwards, where i can go for future help and just generally try and help me see that life isn't going to be quite as bleak as i feel it will be at the moment. hope things go ok with you 

    take care 

    tim :)