Life change

1 minute read time.

My nan got diagnosed with terminal cancer in January and to this day I still find it hard to get my head round. I wake up every morning hoping its just a bad dream... but its not.

She brought me up from the age of 18months old - she has been someone to talk to, lean on, share great experiences with and just love me for who I am. I will never forget the day of when the news was given, my mum broke the news that she had cancer in her femur, on her lungs, liver and lymph nodes. That day my heart was broke... my mum then added that the doctors had said it maybe a few months or maybe even a few weeks. She came home but I noticed certain things.

I have tried my hardest to go to my nans with a huge smile on my face being strong as I can be for her and trying to spend all the time I have left with her. Then we got given more news, this month my nan was diagnosed with dementia too.

It is so hard being strong for my nan and my grandad as well as all my family.I try to help out as much as I can with my nan by feeding her and sitting with her and cleaning their house, but i still feel I am not doing enough. 

Emotions are all over the place Im angry, upset, fearful and lost and I really hate feeling like this. It is killing me inside. I go to councelling once a week but I still feel thats not enough :(

  • FormerMember

    Evening Charli,  It's great to hear you are helping where and when you can but try not to burn yourself out.  Someone has to care for the carer or it will slowly get on top of you and make you feel a bit inadequate, then you start to get fearful and angry with yourself.

    Have you or they got no one else (family or friends) who can step in and help you all out a bit ?

    BTW - we did send you a personal message just before you posted this blog mentioning the Relatives Group, there is also a Carers Group if you feel they could help you by reading what others are going through.

    Tomorrow if you get some free time, ring the free phone Macmillan support line on 0808 808 0000 and have a chat about you and your your nan - they are brilliant, nothing is too much trouble.

    Best wishes, George & Jackie (breast group)