I am Back Again

  • what a life with Cancer


    hello everybody

                      well i got myself ready for my op on friday 28th of march i was all worked up for it i arrived in the hospital at 07:00 in the morning was got ready for the op i sat there in nothing but my pressure socks op gown and slippers and i sat and sat until 09:30 then the surgeon came down and said that he was very sorry but due to the lack of high dependency beds that he could not do the op and sent…

  • more news today


       Well i thought that i would update you on my progressive journey things have not moved along that much since the last time i really think that thay are dragging their feet i have had another test this one was a lung function test to see how my lungs were doing upon this test lies the answer as to how my Cancer journey travels forward if the Surgeon thinks that i have passed wekk enough then they are going to take away…

  • more information


                 Well it is me Blogging again things did not go too well at the appointment i say not too well only that it has held up my Chest Cancer treatment for nothing as what showed up on the scan on my throat turned out to be that when they treated me for my tongue cancer five years ago they did not notice that they had paralized my vocal chords ,so the Cancer is not back in my neck but it is in my Lung , now this thursday…

  • hello



            Well I am feeling well again or at least a little better, I have had a bad time for the past year, now I have been informed that as well as not being able to eat i cannot drink either, now also I am being fed through a tube by machine into my p.e.g all night. How are all my friends it would be nice to hear from a few of you all for now.

                                            Grandadbob14 (James)