Holes made 2, amazing HCP's 3 = a good day

3 minute read time.

Managed to arrange 3 appointments for today.

Didn't sleep again so a bit bedraggled before i started.

Big wardrobe choice as breast investigations and likely trans vaginal USS. Decisions decisions,  quick remove top, easy remove bottoms, socks or tights. Who bloody cares, but I do. Feel the need to look immaculate,  control freak tendency again  !! I usually look that way so i will continue to look that way !!! God help me at chemo time.

1st stop local hospital main site with horrendous traffic and parking,  surprised more oncology patients arent locked up for road rage and decking people who dick about in hospital car parks. Realise at this point that my tolerance is very low today.

Book in, after nearly deafening a poor teenager who couldn't spell my name, totally irrational need to pull him over the desk and scream in his ear !!!

Saw lots of broken bone people in the radiology waiting room and thought how lucky they were compared to poor old me.

Called in quickly for a 3D mammogram,  lovely girls, but painful at the sqeezy bit on the tumour side, but needs must, then straight through to next door for USS of axilla. Amazing lady consultant radiologist,  says axilla is clear, and congratulates me on feeling what she thinks is a very small lump !!! I think its huge, but wonder if all the years o feeling pregnant tummys helped me ?????

Anyways she gives the poor old left boob another going over and decides there's a 2nd slightly suspicious area, i said please lets just biopsy it here and now, whack in the lidocaine and crack on. BRoflss her she as so lovely,  told me her chilbirth history whilst biopsying my bosom Rofl

Did cross my mind that maybe the radiologists could just keep nibbling away at it via the biopdy needles and avoid all the other unpleasantness.  I wish !!!

Then inserted a marker, in case the new dodgy spot disappeared and re-sqeezed my battered boob in the mammogram machine  to check everything was where it should be.

Slapped on a big sticky plaster and said she'd be at Fridays MDT and would make sure i was included

Also said have you met and oncologist yet, nope, sounds like I will be soon Scream

Fight my way out of nightmare car park and set off for site number 2 for next appointment.  

Gynaecology this time to discuss my coincidental ovarian issue. 

Beautiful new building,  blissful parking,  what a difference  !!! Short wait to see old colleague,  have to use the "don't be nice to me" instruction to prevent uncontrollable blubbing.

Turns out ive had enough imaging of my ovaries fir now so get to keep my knickers on and skip the TV scan (sorry guys - TMI).

Just a simple ovarian cancer marker blood test, and dicuss me at the gynae cancer MDT tomorrow +/- an MRI.

Try and understand why some things are seen better on MRI and some better on CT, dont really understand so just nod sagely. 

Get bloods done and off i go, as i leave the building in the rain, a young man with an umbrella rushes over and insists on escorting me to the car, OMG, incredible.  No idea who he was,  probably thought poor old lady Rofl

Spend the rest of the day reclining on the sifa eating chocolate biscuits and popping paracetamol for battered boob.

Have decided my dogs are rubbish therapy dogs as they keep hogging the blanket  !!!

Thank my lucky stars im steaming through the investigations and hopefully heading towards a treatment plan.

One of the team did come out with that well worn 

"You die with breast cancer not from it, these days"

I know its probably true but doesn't provide me with much comfort currently  !!!!

Onwards and upwards, still got a telephone breast nurse appointment this week and a top to toe CT to make sure no other nasties hiding anywhere.

  • Vivienne, I absolutely loved reading your post.  I hear the pain in your humour.  I feel your frustration in your words.  Keep writing.  I find it so therapeutic to put all my feelings and frustrations and hopes and fears onto "paper" - of course it isn't paper these days but who cares!