remission, making the most of the extra time.

1 minute read time.

Well I'm pleased to say that after finishing my 5th line chemo in December, I am still feeling better, and over the last week I have stayed at my daughters, and helped out with the school runs, (something I have be unable to do for the last 2 years).  I drove myself for the 2 hour journey, first to my son, and two days with them, though we didn't go out.  Sunday off to my daughter to do the school runs for the week.  My 2 grandaughters seemed so please to see me, Sunday lunch pizza party for the 8 year old, Monday her actual birthday, so out for tea.  Wednesday out  shopping with my sister, and Thursday off to London for the day, with a visit to Westminster Abbey, and ending with watching my 2 grandaughters singing in the Youngvoices school choir at the O2.  back home today ready for visitors to arrive tomorrow lunch time. The busiest week I have had for a long time, long may it last!

Stay postive and make the most of every day, and when you are given an unexpected chance build the memories and do the things you have always wanted to do.

  • FormerMember
    So pleased to hear you are doing so well long may it continue Badger. It's brilliant you are managing to do things you have not managed for a long time. Enjoy your time with your Grandchildren. Rosie
  • FormerMember

    Had a wonderful day yesterday.  just couldn't sit still!!  After 2 years of feeling sluggish and out of breath it iwa great- out in the garden bending about with no problems.  Perhaps i will get all the spring jobs done myself.  Don't know whether it was the weather, or me, but long may it continue.

  • FormerMember

    Had a wonderful day yesterday.  just couldn't sit still!!  After 2 years of feeling sluggish and out of breath it iwa great- out in the garden bending about with no problems.  Perhaps i will get all the spring jobs done myself.  Don't know whether it was the weather, or me, but long may it continue.

  • FormerMember

    Funny isn't it.... a few days make such a difference.  We are off on holiday for 2 weeks next week, and here I am feeling sure that things are back, and hoping against hope that I don't get the ascities again that I've had the last twice I've had a recuurence.

    I've been so looking forward to this spring holiday with my friends, and I' m worrying that I might spoil it all.  I know my cancer comes back fast, and if I'm already worring, will I last the 2 weeks?

    My husband can't understand that I know when my body is not working properly, and just says it's nothing.  I just know...... but I hope i'm wrong.