Been there done it feeling great now!

1 minute read time.

Hi Hugh Gavin here,

I never knew this site existed I found it ay accident. 

A brief history, I was getting an ultra sound for gall stones Nov 2009 They found a mass in my kildney I was sent for a CT Scan early Dec2009 on 7th Dec at 10.15am I was told I had a 95% chance that the mass was cancer! Boy that word you think they were talkng about someone else.My wife was sitting in the waiting room and when I went out I could not tell her as I knew she would be really up set.We walked to the car and just as we were getting into the car   I told her the news. Tears were flowing and then we thought how do we tell the kids! (The youngest was 18) So I phoned them and the three of them knew it was serious when they saw my number on their mobile,It was always their Mum that done all the phoning.Lots of tears,fear and what if's. I went into hospital on the 22nd Dec had the operation and got home on Christmas Day.  They found a 12 cm(that correct 12cm)tumour it was cancer in my  Kidney.I have had the Kidney out and needed no further treatment. I have had three CT Scans since my operation and all were satisfactory. Still get tired and if you get wee pain somewhere you think oh no, but so far so good. Hope this will help any one who has just had the dreaded news.The local hospice drop in centre has been a God send, you can drop in and have a chat or a cry or a cup of tea. Christine Haig and her team "are angels without wings"and I know they have been a great help to my wife and myself. 

 At present  with the support of my cousin, we are organsing a fund rasing night on the 6th May in East  Kilbride. We have sold out the event 200 tickets at £5.00 each. The proceeds are being split 50% Kilbryde Hospice and 50% MacMillian Fund. Carol my cousin is also recovering from cancer. The support from family,friends and businesses has been unbelieable to date with over 30 donations for a prize draw ranging from, a weeks accomindation in Spain to passes to local cinema. We have even had a donation from Real Madrid FC.We have had great support from MacMillian Fund rasier April Andrews and the full support of the Kilbryde Hospice.



  • FormerMember

    Hi Hugh

    It's reassuring to hear some good news.  I was devastated when my partner was diagnosed with cancer 8 months ago.  It's been a long journey which is by no means over.  But this site is full of people who have recovered and that gives me hope. I am also full of admiration for you that you are involved with raising funds for MacMillan and similar charities.  You're a star and I wish you all the best, to you and your family.


  • FormerMember

    Hi Sheena,

    Just thought I would give you a wee update on the fund raiser.We made £3,800 spilt 50/50 with Macmillian and Kilbryde Hospice.

    Hope you are and your partner are doing well



  • FormerMember

    Well done Hugh.  That is a fantastic sum of money to raise.  
