Finding it...Part 2

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So the referral to the local hospital came through quickly which was great. So I arrived one Friday towards the end of June. The Doctor was fine and suggested she have a look by sticking a camera up my nose. What an offer! So up it went and she had a look around. She suggested that it seemed to be not to bad and that it was probably nothing to much to worry about. So next thing would be to get it removed and everything would be fine. How I wish that would have been the case, but I'm getting ahead of myself. 

So a date for the tonsillectomy was to be arranged and I went off and had a blast at a stag do that weekend, feeling a bit relieved that I'd have the tonsil removed and not have to worry too much after that. 

Before the operation I had and MRI scan (with dye) and saw my dentist, and the hospital dentist both of which went smoothly.

26th July was the big date. 

Looking back on this I do wonder why the first hospital Doctor was so optimistic, or was I just unlucky? 

  • FormerMember
    <p>How are you now?&nbsp; I hope you are coping. I have been diagnosed with Sqamous Cell Carcinoma, My first appointment was mid July. I had biopsys taken from my neck 10th August and chest CT scan&nbsp; and was called by the respiritory Nurses 12th August and asked to come into hospital 13th August and told I had&nbsp;<span style="float:none;font-style:normal;font-weight:400;text-align:left;text-decoration:none;text-indent:0px;">Sqamous Cell Carcinoma</span>. I was told my chest and lungs liver and kidneys were clear. Referred to Ear Nose and Throat.&nbsp;</p> <p>I was then seen by ENT Consultant and had like you the camera up my nose into my throat. The consultant spotted something at the back of my Tongue. I have since had another CT Scan of my head and Neck, also MRI of my head and Neck. Also admitted for procedure where they took Biopsys of my neck, throat, and gullet. Called back to the consultant and it was confirmed I have the HPV related Cancer to my Tongue.</p> <p>I was told I will have 2 sessions of Chemo and 30 sessions of Radiotherapy. 5 days a week for 6 weeks.</p> <p>Before this happens I need to be referred to Dental as the radiotherapy weakens the Jaw Bone.</p> <p>I have since been referred for dental treatment and had my back teeth removed yesterday. My next appointment is 11th October with Gastroenterologist to prepare me for PEG Fitting into my stomach feeding tube as I will not be able to eat.</p> <p>I am to be admitted to hospital 14th Oct for the Peg procedure. This is an overnight stay. There will be another overnight stay before 1st chemo to prepare my body for the chemo and radiotherapy then 3 weeks later another overnight stay to prepare for the second lot of chemo.</p> <p>For the radiology I need a mask of my face made. I was telephoned today and given an appointment 17th October for this.</p> <p>The chemo and radiotherapy cannot begin till&nbsp; dental work has healed , told by my Head and Neck Nurse this is usually 3 weeks after dental work. This is to protect against infection. We need to be as fit as possible before treatment starts.</p> <p>That is my story so far. I will update as the weeks and months go on. So far seems to have taken ages, but I understand it has been a process of elimination to come to a result that decides the best treatment options.&nbsp;</p>
  • FormerMember
    <p>How are you now?&nbsp; I hope you are coping. I have been diagnosed with Sqamous Cell Carcinoma, My first appointment was mid July. I had biopsys taken from my neck 10th August and chest CT scan&nbsp; and was called by the respiritory Nurses 12th August and asked to come into hospital 13th August and told I had&nbsp;<span style="float:none;font-style:normal;font-weight:400;text-align:left;text-decoration:none;text-indent:0px;">Sqamous Cell Carcinoma</span>. I was told my chest and lungs liver and kidneys were clear. Referred to Ear Nose and Throat.&nbsp;</p> <p>I was then seen by ENT Consultant and had like you the camera up my nose into my throat. The consultant spotted something at the back of my Tongue. I have since had another CT Scan of my head and Neck, also MRI of my head and Neck. Also admitted for procedure where they took Biopsys of my neck, throat, and gullet. Called back to the consultant and it was confirmed I have the HPV related Cancer to my Tongue.</p> <p>I was told I will have 2 sessions of Chemo and 30 sessions of Radiotherapy. 5 days a week for 6 weeks.</p> <p>Before this happens I need to be referred to Dental as the radiotherapy weakens the Jaw Bone.</p> <p>I have since been referred for dental treatment and had my back teeth removed yesterday. My next appointment is 11th October with Gastroenterologist to prepare me for PEG Fitting into my stomach feeding tube as I will not be able to eat.</p> <p>I am to be admitted to hospital 14th Oct for the Peg procedure. This is an overnight stay. There will be another overnight stay before 1st chemo to prepare my body for the chemo and radiotherapy then 3 weeks later another overnight stay to prepare for the second lot of chemo.</p> <p>For the radiology I need a mask of my face made. I was telephoned today and given an appointment 17th October for this.</p> <p>The chemo and radiotherapy cannot begin till&nbsp; dental work has healed , told by my Head and Neck Nurse this is usually 3 weeks after dental work. This is to protect against infection. We need to be as fit as possible before treatment starts.</p> <p>That is my story so far. I will update as the weeks and months go on. So far seems to have taken ages, but I understand it has been a process of elimination to come to a result that decides the best treatment options.&nbsp;</p>
  • FormerMember
    <p>HI geolind - I&#39;d suggest starting your own blog. The more perspectives on dealing with this type of newish cancer the better I&#39;d say. And you are on a slightly different treatment path to me having chemo, and I see your having a PEG which I am not having (well so far anyway!)</p> <p>I think it&#39;s worth the effort for those that will follow us.&nbsp;</p> <p>Regards,</p> <p>Bedrock66</p>