What happened to me!!

2 minute read time.

It started with pain in my back but with already suffering with Fibromyalgia I thought it was just extra pain to cope with but this time in my back,As the day carried on the pain gradually got worse and by evening I hit agony!..I have never rung an ambulance for myself but the pain was so bad I was climbing the walls,rushed into hospital..the hours and days passed with all the tests ext,..sent home and a couple of days later rushed back into hospital with increasing pain,After screaming in agony for what felt like hours but was more likely 2-3hrs I was at last given pain relief and admitted,Waiting for test results and expecting it to be related to the Fibromyalgia a doctor approached me as I was sat beside my bed,..He asked ME if there was somewhere more private that we could talk (why ask me?hes the doc)..All I could think about was a small room I noticed that the ward used to store furniture and thats where we went, I looked at the doctor and asked "So whats the verdict doctor".. He calmly said "You have Cancer".. Not quiet taking in what he had just said the only thing that next came out of my mouth was "So how long have I got to live and should I tell my family?... He calmly said "you have 3 to 5years and yes you should tell your family,..ok!!.."..I looked at him and said "Thank you" and he walked away...I was left sat in a chair in a back store room...in shock!!..Just trying to register what I had just been told...Was this how it was meant to be?..How I was supposed to be told.?.Should I be alone?.. What do I do now?...I was left there alone having just been told I have a death sentence and I couldnt take in what had just happened..I try to remember the doctors name,..What he looked like..,Where he went when he left me.. I could only think to call my sons and partner,get them to the hospital..I needed someone..ANYONE...to help me out of this deep dark hole that a doctor had so flippantly had thrown me into and walked away,That man had just told me I was going to DIE..to leave my sons and grandchildren,..my mum,shes old,in her 80s,She needs me,my sons who I have always said and felt were my whole world,my reason to be here,after the divorce from their father I had to be both parents,How will my partner manage without me,He has P.T.S.S,ive been his carer for years,my grandchildren are only little,I havent been a grandmother long enough,I want to watch them grow,Im in my 50s,I dont want them to watch me die as I watched my own father die of the same disease.To this day I still wonder IS THIS REAL??...

  • FormerMember

    Wow Whisper, that's quite a shocking blog to say the least. In a b*****y store cupboard of all places, i've heard it all now. Were you revisited by that doctor? and did you ever get an apology?

    When my dad was in hossie last year we were all suspecting cancer but needed lots of tests to confirm and my fear was always that they would tell him some awful and shocking news without us being there for him. Luckily, (and I think it was due to me pestering each day and making it clear that family wanted to be with him), an appointment was made and two family members, my dad and his consultant where told in the ward office.

    The news still isn't accepted easily though and my dad just said "thankyou doctor, it's a relief I don't have to have an operation". He'd just been told cancer with mets. 2 to 5 years max. Ofcourse it's the shock that causes strange reactions.

    I also suspected my cancer and was prepared to hear the worst. I was with my hubbie and I have to say the surgeon and nurse where really compassionate and very professional. They didn't rush us and by the time we left the room we were composed (ish).

    So it seems in comparison to you I had an easy ride eh!!

    Take care and I hope you find support and friendship on here, it's a good place for both.

    Jan xxx

  • FormerMember

    I cannot believe the people skills some of these doctoros have... are they not taught anything about telling people bad news?  In my case, the original news was give to my and my husband together , and I had suspected it as well, but when my cancer came back the oncologist just dropped it in the conversation when I went for what I thought was just a check-up.... I've never seen him on my own since!

    When my father had it, the family were gathered as a whole to be told the news, and surely that is how it should be.  Everyone that is affected should have the whole story at one time, with all the why's and wherefores, so decisions can be taken when necessary.

    I feel I would complain to the hospital for being treated like that.  I'm sure it can't be the hospital recommend  method.  Ask the question and cause a fuss.  It was disgusting.  I hope you have since found out the more relevant details, like what they can do for you...

    Good luck


  • FormerMember

    I have to say your blog shocked me.When my husband was told we had a Macmillan nurse in with us after the doctor was finished she explained that he would need to go to pallative care as his cancer was thought to be terminal he was told he had about six months to live we went to pallitive care for a year when they realised he was still alive and well he had scans and tests and was told that he didn't have cancer in his kidneys after all so he was to get chemo that should prop him up for at least three years.What I am trying to say is that one way or another all cancer patients get a shabby deal along the way. I hope you have been treated better since that awful day.Good Luck

    Joan xx