Birthdays and Holidays

1 minute read time.

Two landmarks

Both massive

Both dealt with in 48hours.

My littlest turned two last week, 4 days after her fathers funeral...It took me three hours to write the card and it involved numerous text messages late at night to get some guidence.  Ultimately it was from Mummy and Daddy.  During my card dilema my teen put together the toys and teen and middle child wrapped all her pressies. 

During the day, we had some tears and a great many shared memories, keeping the get together small helped, I wasn't left with all the people with tilting heads - you know the ones, whose right ears seem to weigh so much now their heads touch their shoulder as they talk to you.

The next day we flew out on holiday, the first I had ever booked alone!  Holiday was good, it gave us all some time to grieve away from the spotlight.  Lying on a sunlounger discussing my hubby seemed so much more relaxed than in the local high street while avoiding the rain.  We all had our moments, but that is to be expected.

When we went away, the children wanted to take a framed photo of him with us, it sat on the rickety desk, watching us and getting the occasional kiss.  This morning my (just) two year old came into the kitchen holding the photo saying 'My daddy heaven'.

Out the the mouths of babes xx

  • FormerMember

    Big hug to you! My husband died just over four years ago of cancer, and we all went away for a long weekend right after the funeral. I agree that helps.

    I find that Birthdays, Holidays and Anniversaries are not such a big problem, because I mentally prepare myself for that. It's when it catches me totally unawares - a memory might pop up suddenly or someone will say something - that I go to pieces. It helps when people let me talk about him, that way I am reassured I am not the only one thinking of him. xxx