how to cope,when parent told they have cancer

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he dont seem to be getting any better any antibiotics etc he getting for blood infection dont seem to be working he is like a skeleton now,and is still lossing weight,i would just like for some1 who knows about this to tell me what the out come is like as no1 seems to want to tell me,(im not nieve) im 32 an iv watched 2 ppl die from cancer,so i know a little bit but not that much,its just so hard watching my dad  everyday trying to live through this an its come to the point where we dont have anything to say to each other as things just the same an my dad dont want to break down all the time,he trying to keep stong same as me.

any advise on how to cope etc,an how to deal with this is much apprieciated

  • FormerMember

    Hi Paula.I wish I had an answer for you.Is the district nurse and his GP calling regularly? My Stepmum's gp was very good.What help i your Dad getting for his care? Have they tried him on steroids? f not its worth asking.HUGS for you and you Dad xxxxx