19th of Dec 2011

2 minute read time.

This was just a normal working day and my mum had been called back to the Breast Clinic. I said that I would go with her, but there was nothing to worry about. We had the same thing three years previous and it had been just fat lumps.  When we where called in the doctors said "I am sorry your have Breast  Cancer". My Mum was so brave and just sat there and said ok what now?

I had been hit with a brick, but new that I had to be strong for my Mum. I asked all the questions about what type of cancer, What was going to happen and then told my Mum it was going to be ok. I put her in a cab home and said I going back to work. I didnt I sat in the local park and cried my eyes out, then phoned my husband to tell him.

She has since had the lump removed and we have been told that it a grade one tumour and that with Radiotherepy she should be ok.She goes tomorrow to have her tattoo' s done and I have arrived for her to get to the hospital for the treatment. I am going with her first treatment and last treatment, because I have to be careful of work. I have a brother, but he cant get time off or have holidays. This is all on my shoulders and I want the best for my Mum.

She is so brave and I feel that I am being too weak at times for her, I havent cried in front of her. I worst thing this illness has been brought on by her lazy doctor who didnt do all the checks regarding HRT. She was on it 15 years, no break no nothing. Even when she has high clorestrial, high blood pressure and then gall bladder problem. He didnt think it could be the HRT. The side effects list was her medical records.

I feel that if I had checked on her with the doctor more i would or could have stopped this. I let her down and that is why I have to be so strong for her now. I have tried to make her laugh by asking what tattoo she wants ie Elvis? I lost my friend to breast cancer at 27, Her breast cancer was the worst kind. She lost her Nan and Aunt to the cancer. Kelly died trying everything and sadly her mum died last year.  Her sister has had to have both breasts off and lymph nobes removed. She is so far clear, but she has two daughters. Thngs have moved on since Kelly passed, but the wounds are still rare.

I have been told because i have had children and i have PCOS that I cant take HRT because the risk is too high for me regarding breast cancer. I just wish my mum didnt have to go thru this, that I could do the treatment for her.



  • FormerMember

    Hi Anna.You arent weak at all.It wasnt really up to you to check what her dr was doing so none of it is your fault.You are doing the best you can and that is brilliant.It is good that it has been caught earlyso try to be positive.Soya isoflavines are quite good.Ive never wanted to take hrt.It is hard to watch a loved one go through treatment and we often wish we could take their place.Look after yourself aswell as your Mum.HUGS xxxx