My Not So Fun Day !!

1 minute read time.

I went into town today with my husband, not so strange you might think, but after looking into the windows of a few familiar shop windows we decided to into a pleasant looking pub we had drunk in before.  My husband always has a few beers when we go out, I, usually drink coffee or fruit juices.  Not today !!   I fancied a large glass of wine, infact I had three, now I hardly ever drink.  We decided to get up and part company, I decided to go on a charity shop hunt and husband was going on a hunt for gadgets.   Well did I feel piddled.   It was 2.30pm and I hadn't eaten any food which didn't help, I felt great chose some zany tops that I liked, looked at outrageous clothing I wouldn't usually take a second glance at and when it was near the time I was due to meet husband I waddled up the road to find him.    I found him in a Witherspoons drinking a pint of bear looking out of a window.  I joined him at a table, and through my goggledy gook eyes starting people watching with a new eyes, and a head that was rather light-headed.   Husband remarked 'there is something wrong with you,' why  are you staring all around you, what's the matter ?  Nothing I remarked.  After we had our meal which was great, he had a mixed grill and I had a chicken korma curry with all the trimmings, I started to bubble and bubble.   Crying about my diagnosis, my treatment and how everyone had forgotten about me lately.  O'h dear the booze was talking !!!   Hubby tried to calm me down,  he grabbed his mobile and hastily phoned for me BC nurse.   What a disasterous day, well the good news is all the zany tops really look good on me and they all fit, I will be wearing them.  And no I'm still going to drink the large glases of wine but next time not on an empty stomach.   I like the feeling too much to give it up !!!!
