Am I doing a bad job coping with losing Dad?

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My Dad died on Saturday and I was in pieces Sunday and Monday and still very weepy Tuesday and Wednesday that family are worrying and think I may need help. I thought it was normal that when you love someone so deeply that I would be feeling quite intense feelings that are painful and that I wouldn't have expected anything other than to be expressing that this is the most devastating thing ever but others are holding it together a lot stronger than I am and I'm worrying that they might be right and I should be being stronger than I am - how do you know when you should be seeking help and when it's exactly the sort of timescale you have to go through? I'm feeling guilty that I'm not being strong enough to help other family members but I have been finding it the most painful experience I've ever lived through and have found it all so overwhelming. Does it sound like I'm making a terrible effort to pull through this?

  • FormerMember

    Hi Littlelis

    I am so sorry that this has happened and that you have lost your dad whom you so obviously loved dearly.

    Grief is a totally individual thing and experience, we all grieve at different rates and timescales.  There are so many factors that influence how we grieve from the relationship we had with the deceased person to our own state of mind at the time when that person passed away, to the circumstances of that sad occasion.  There is no formula nor is there a set time scale for grief.  I am astounded to read that a mere five days has passed and already the possible need for 'outside help' is being suggested, if you were still feeling this intense level of grief in say 2 yrs time then maybe ..........!  Please dont allow others to put yet more pressure on you to control and suppress your feelings, these strong emotions need to be 'worked through' if not now then at some point in the future.

    Grief does have various stages that people move through and again this is individual, anger and tearfullness being only two of the various emotions experienced during this sad time.

    please allow yourself to grieve at your own pace and in the way you need to.

  • FormerMember

    So sorry to hear of your loss.

    Everyone deals with it different but i can still clearly remember losing Dad back in 1994, mainly because i had just told him we were expecting a child & he never got to meet my daughter.

    I still feel for Mum whenever theres an anniversary of theires wether its Dads birthday or wedding anniversary.

    I concentrate on the good times we had together, especially when i was young.

    As already stated there is no set time to grieve.

    Take care xx

  • FormerMember

    Hello sweetheatheart, I can feel the pain you're feeling and can tell you we are all differant and how we cope with such a loss of someone we really love. I adored my dad and when he passed away it was only 6 wks after my husbands father passed away so had a double whammy. You will always feel a huge loss and there will be times when you will cry there will also as time passes when you will laugh when you think of him and remember your special dad. sending you a big hug and lots love.

  • FormerMember

    Thank you folks for the comfort and support, just still don't know how to stop bursting into tears, was reminded of a song Dad loved yesterday that Mum wants at the funeral and I just keep crying every time i think of it because I'd forgotten about it - thanks for helping me know what I'm going through is not just me  xx

  • FormerMember

    Be kind to yourself.  One day at a time, at your own pace.

    And certain songs, places, tv programmes, in fact all sorts of things will still be able to bring a tear for many years to come - and that is because you love him so much.

    Judi x