Horty's coming home

1 minute read time.

...Just a bit more about my last week on the ward. I'd completely forgotten about the important bits. I'm going to have my Trachy Tube taken out. I've never wanted to look at it. The idea of having a whole in my throat, never appealed to me. The doc starts to remove it. I've no idea what to expect, but I'm definitely going to tell them about that great big spider that's been onq the ceiling, over my bed for 4 weeks..........The tube is out. The only word I want to try is Wow....It works.....Wow, wow,wow,wow. I can make sounds, but that's all. But hey, it's sounds.

The dietician visits and congratulates me for some reason. The "Nil by Mouth" is wiped off my board with a flourish. It's now soup and ice cream. That'll do me. The food drip has been taken away. I'm now included in the meal orders and drinks. I'm part of the human race, well, I'm on my way. After 3 days I go for cottage pie. I take a fork full of meat. ....It just stays there, on my tongue, not moving. Bugger. I've got a whole plate to eat and it's going to take hours for the first mouthful to go. I give up and have an ice cream. I'm aware that my discharge is reliant on me eating. So it's good news when my plate is taken away before the nurses see it. The dietician returns later and asks how I got on....Great, I say. I could have eaten 5 of them....

This sort of game goes on until it's suggested I could eat something more challenging..What!!! A 16 oz Gannon perhaps. I say no and admit I'm struggling, but suggest I could live on Ice Cream. Every one seems to sense I'm ready for home (The poster on a Bond Girl On the wall and the noise of scraping the wall with a spoon may have something to do with it) I'm told that I could possibly be discharged in 3 days......I ask if they could chase up where my green socks were....

  • I'm aware that my discharge is reliant on me eating. So it's good news when my plate is taken away before the nurses see it. The dietician returns later and asks how I got on....Great, I say. I could have eaten 5 of them.


    The games we play JoyJoy