1 minute read time.

Hi There,

This is the worst nightmare that I have ever experienced. Right at this point I'm lying in bed knowing that in the morning I get up and call nhs111 to let them know that we are on our way to the royal infirmary as my partner has a really bad infection and can't breath properly, but I have to do it his way. 

Last year at this exact time he was working, no cancer. Come February a tiny wee spot on his lung ( consultant was surprised it had even been noticed)

March op to remove one third of lung...took half of it.

Repeated visits back as whoever finished attaching the chest drain didn't stitch it properly.

May told cancer free enjoy your life.

September told cancer incurable but treatable.

McMillan support also broke her elbow, really hope she's OK.

Chemo started first 3 all good.

December chest infection, due next course of immunotherapy next day but scan taken in same hospital six days prior was not on system yet?

2 courses of antibiotics and instead on meeting oncologist tomorrow getting him oxygen and admitted to hospital instead.

Praying that he comes home again
