1st blog entry

1 minute read time.

Hello. I'm Dorian-James and I had a video to go here but I can’t seem to get it to upload. So, I've put on a concerts before for charity, Macmillan twice. But this may be the last one for education related reasons that I won’t bore you with. But, this one so going to be bigger and so much better than before. It will be in February of 2012 and be held in Hornsea school and Language college in east Yorkshire. Although it is in a school it will be open for anyone to attend. in the past tickets have been around £3 with free entry for cancer patients and reduced rates for non secondery school children. we may also look at a family ticket option. we will be performing a wide range of different music with quite a large group of musicians that I am certain will perform to their very best for this cause. More details coming next month after the school reopens and I can get more things sorted out. If you live in the area, will be in the area or know someone who will be please tell them or Keep some time free. I'm pretty sure it will be on Thursday the 9th of Feb. but As we found out in the last show, this can be changed at anytime by a higher power if the hall is needed. Hopefully not this time. Thank you for reading.
