Home alone with mastectomy

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I am preparing for a mastectomy in ten days time.  I live alone and am very active and involved in my village and church.  The thing is - I'm worried about coming home with a drain and not having anyone on hand to help me empty it.  A silly worry I am sure, but there we are.  You watch videos on YouTube and there's always someone there to hold the tube, or help with the manoeuvres: I will have plenty of day time help but overnight I will be on my own.  Any advice gladly received! 

The other strange thing is that I am SO tired - and I haven't had anything happen yet!! I fall asleep in the afternoon for an hour or so and sleep like a log at night.  Still tired!

I am feisty, determined, and no way is this thing going to floor me - I will exercise, get fresh air, do everything you are supposed to do.  But this whole issue of drains is bothering me.  How daft is that?!!

  • FormerMember

    Hi scribblinglady,

    I'm sorry you find yourself here. It must be hard living alone and worrying about this but I'm glad to hear that you are very determined to overcome this.

    What you have written here is a blog- which is more like an update every so often of your cancer story. 

    You might find it more useful to join our Breast Cancer group (click the link), and speak to some of the members there, as there will be others who have had mastectomies and other treatment similar to you.

    Once there, you will need to join the group, and then you can write a 'new discussion' and get some responses.

    Best of luck,


    Macmillan Community Team

  • I had a drain and they are really no trouble. I did mine all by myself. I tied a bandage round my waist and attached it so it didnt dangle. At night tucked it in big knickers and pjama bottoms. I washed my hair in the washbasin with a jug, much easier than using a shower hose.

    The tiredness comes from the effort of handling the emotion. Give into it from time to time. Its your bidy telling you to get some rest. Cut yourself some slack and take some Me Time.

    Hope all goes well. Try the group chats- they are full of good advice.

  • FormerMember

    Thank you so much for that - bandage a great idea. So grateful

  • FormerMember

    Hi there,

    I also had a drain after my surgery and to be honest they are alot easier than you think. I was very lucky because I wasn't losing much fluid so I was able to have mine removed within a few days. It does all seem a bit daunting I know but really you will be fine. The volunteer ladies at my Breast Clinic in Lincoln made shoulder bags for our drains and that really helped when having to carry it around (space to put the excess tubing so no risk of catching it). Have a chat with your nurses and ask if they have something similiar.

    Take care - I'm sure it will all be fine :-) xx

  • FormerMember

    That is very reassuring, thank you; I feel greatly encouraged. What a wonderful site this is!