Hodgkin's lymphoma

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i have been diagnosed and starting chemo in 2 days and I'm scared about starting the chemo x anyone any advice?x

  • Hi, please do join one of the two groups for Hodgkin's, which you can search for in the search window to the top right of your 'home' page, there are quite a few on the same journey as you, a bit further on, who will give you advice, help and support. As the Mum of a lass who went through this, I can tell you that things are better even than they were then! You will be given anti-nausea medications, do take them as they work better if you take them as preventative rather than when you start to need them! Drink plenty odf water as it helps flush the drugs through.

    Sending you a big encouraging hug, you can do this xxx

  • FormerMember

    I read your post and kinda wanted to respond. While our disease is different (I have stage 4A NHL, Mantle Cell) you shouldn't feel like the "lone ranger."

    I am having those same feelings, the same "scared" emotions, etc. Some days are better than others. A lot of ups and downs. But fortunately, I have some wonderful friends, and support. EVERYOVE assures me chemo will not be as bad as we project it will be, PROVIDED we VOICE what is going on, and what we are feeling WHEN we feel it so they can attend to any reactions, etc.

    Not sure what the regimine is for Hodgkins, but mine is slated to be R-CHOP 6 cycles, with a stem cell transplant at the end.

    Good luck !

  • FormerMember

    Hi there I have just finished my abvd chemo which I started in august last year .Was the same as you scared and unsure what was about to happen I can honestly say my body done me proud my advice would be to just drink lots of water and plenty of rest listen to your own body that's the best advice ..Good luck with your journey xx