Hi's and Lows

2 minute read time.

I feel so guilty even writing this that I am fighting with myself every letter. I have had a very eventful life so far and was a troubled young man for many years working in jobs I hated and partying as if everyday was my last. I lost my father to a heart attack and my mother to cancer over 15 years ago within a few years of each other while they both were quite young. I guess the loss did not help my stability and I remained very unhappy until around five years ago when I finally slowed down and was happy not only with all I had achieved in work but where I was in life and my relationships with my children and my partner.

 As im sure you all know after you get a few years of happiness that is the time when fate will take its first attempt to piss down your leg and tell you its raining, and it did. I was suffering from restricted breathing and a constant cough and after almost a year of tests for everything but cancer I was told I had a tumor in my bronchile tube. After the experience of watching my mothers battle I did not hold any hope for myself and tried hard to keep a brave face for everyones sake. Everything went well and I had a successful operation to remove the tumor last year and after the worry before and telling my children and partner I thought that once I got the 6 month all clear that everything was great again. The muscle damage from the op is healing well and I have started training again and all should be well, but its not.

I have started to get highs and lows which I never really experienced before, I cannot focus on anything for anytime, I have lost interest in my work, I have started to drink on an all too regular baises, I have started to put on weight and I have to over train to control it, leaving myself exshauted, and to top it all I have started to smoke again after being off for over a year before my operation.

I feel like I have lost control and I have never been one to allow that to happen. I do not feel sorry for myself because if anyone was to blame for ill health, physically or mentally, it was most certainly my lifestyle choices before and after causing my problems. I know all that and knowing I got the all clear is just making me feel more guilt because I know my mother never drank or smoked in her life and she had no chance with her illness. I am very frustrated with myself and my lack of self discipline at the minute. I know there is no magic pill out there but i just had to try this forum to sound off and release a bit of pressure.

P.S. pardon the spelling mistakes hav'nt mastered this site yet and add the seldom attended secondary education, well you get the rest!!

  • Hello Mark.firstly no need for guilt Ok.I guess many of us lived as you did when we were young until we find something or someone that changes our life or we just grow up and mature.And as you say life can go along well and then suddenly the great bird of fate drops a load of S** t on on your head.Like you I saw my mum die from kidney cancer my step dad from throat cancer,I myself got kidney cancer and at first I to thought I should start planning my funeral,but then I decided to fight all the way,I came through my operation and I am on wait and watch.Being told you have cancer can send your world spining it is such a shock you have all the physical stuff to deal with the emotional feelings and the emotions and feelings of those around you often spending time putting on the brave face for the benifit of others and not expressing your own thoughts and fears so as not to worry them..After all the diagnosis telling people,operation etc everyone perhaps including yourself thinks well that's all behind me now get on with life.I think that's when all the stuff that was hidden behind the brave face starts to come to the fore.Cancer can make you feel you have lst control f your life feel you have no control in your life and isn't hindsight a wonderful thing for helping us beat ourselves up with what ifs whys shoulds and shouldnts if we knew then what we know know now.Time to cut yourself a little slack no beating yourself up.As you say no magic pill but there s something you could try that could help,go to see your GP and ask about counselling it could help you it's not defeatist to seek help its you taking control doing something to help you.I wish you well for the future Mark xxx
  • Apologies for my spelling mistakes I use an I pad with a will of it's own sorry x