Thank you everyone

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Hi Everyone and thank you all for your messages of support. John still being sick and feel at my wits end - think I will just find a field somewhere and scream out loud as I am screaming in my head at the moment. Medical team in community have been absolutely fab and doing everything they can to help John. Am just worried about dehydration as this will mean John will have to be admitted and he absolutely does not want to go in, stubborn bugger! Anyone out there have any remedies for the sickness? John is on ondansetron at the moment being administered through a syringe driver, but he is not sure how effective this is being. Is still being sick at least three times a day and as he has not eaten since Thursday he is bringing up the water that he is desperately trying to keep down! Has tried cyclizine - no good - so GP trying to sort out something else. John just wants to be able to have something to eat and has been crying because he is so frustrated and fed up. It is heartbreaking to see him like this and we usually end up crying together. All I can do is love him and hug him - wish I could cure his cancer. Love to all of you out there xxxxx
  • FormerMember

    Call your doc...he may be able to move meds around for your hubby.  I am able to tolerate oj with tons of ice but in small sips.  One person on here did cola (not healthy but it was all that would stay down until healthier liquids would).  Jello may help.  Dry crackers for an empty stomach...a couple of bites, like pregnant women do.  But do call your doctor.  It is hunt and peck sometimes.  xxx