Screening Results

Less than one minute read time.

Following my second routine smear test at the end of March, I received my results in the first week of April which confirmed that I have high-grade dyskaryosis.  An appointment has been made for in 4-weeks time at which point I will have a Colposcopy. 

Even though the letter from the trust was informative and detailed, including leaflets on colposcopy, treatment and what to expect, I do feel very nervous and worried about the procedure and future results.

I hope that the next few weeks pass quickly!!!

  • FormerMember

    Hi stephieb1986,

    Welcome to the Online Community. I'm sorry to hear about your smear test results - it's understandable that you are feeling nervous at the moment.

    I'm glad that you've found our site, and I hope that it helps to share your feelings here on the blog. We also have a cervical cancer group here on the site if you feel it might help to talk to others who've been through similar procedures - however, do bear in mind that this doesn't mean your results will be the same as theirs!

    It sounds as though you've been provided with lots of good information about the tests and treatment, but if you'd like to read more, we do also have some good information on our website:

    If you've got questions or you need to talk through your worries, you can give our team of experts a ring on freephone 0808 808 0000 (Mon-Fri, 9am-8pm) - you don't need a cancer diagnosis to call.