
2 minute read time.

Hi Mummy

I hope you are OK today. Im not too good at the moment.

James and Kay popped over quick this afternoon and we had a chat about Daddy and her. Things aren't good and I have felt a bit neglected by Baz lately.  I spoke to James about her going into his room and he thinks she has been. That isnt right is it? Its not her place to do that. More to the point why is she even going into their rooms.

James told me he did all the housework top to bottom and Daddy didnt notice it but when she does something he just keeps going on and on about how nice it is. Things aren't right and I have no idea how to make things better for James and Sarah. From what James said Sarah just ignores whats going on because she doesnt want to believe it.

James also told me that he phoned Daddy up and asked him if he wanted to go to the cinema because he wanted to spend time with him and even offered to pay but Daddy turned him down and spent the next 2 days with her. Even though those were the only 2 days off James had off that week.

Why is he doing to this us? I dont understand, it doesnt matter how many times I tell him that no matter how old we get we will always need our Daddy. When it comes to me he always says that Im married and I have my own life and he doesnt want to interrupt it, but truth be told he doesnt want to bother with me. No I see it clear as day, we are just in the way and she wants him to himself without the 3 of us in the way, well she has what she's wanted. Its worked.

Baz agrees with me and says that Daddy is being a d*** h*** and as horrible as this sounds at this moment in time Im inclined to agree with him. He has a go at me over pathetic things and with James its even worse, Sarah Im not sure about Im hoping I will be able to find out and be able to get her take on things in the house.

I have no idea what I can do to sort things out for those 2. If you could help me know what to do I would really appreciate it. Anyway I best be off.

Take Care, Miss you lots and lots, love you lots and lots too. XXXXXX 

  • FormerMember

    was nice to "see" you in chat 2nite - but - sorry i couldnt stay was too busy for me i started to go dizzy

    you made me smile saying your mum liked a party so heres hoping she was havin fun at my darling dads birthday party tonite hehe

    as i said earlier support your brother and sister as much as you can and dont forget your lovely hubby you both need each other

    your family sound normal .....just like the rest of us with silly things upsetting us its LIFE

    try to step back and look at things from different angle

    and on a lighter note remember not to chop the tomatoes

    keep  smiling


  • FormerMember

    Its just so hard to look at differently when you have grown up with one way and never expect that way to change. My Dad said that didnt matter how old we got we would always be number 1 in his life but now we feel like number 2. Im not worried about me its my brother and sister Im concerned about. XXX