Thinking About You

1 minute read time.

Hi Mummy

You have been on my mind for days now, I cant stop thinking about you. We are back up in Ipswich only this time its not for social reasons. We are here because Baz's Grandad passed away yesterday morning from cancer too. Like Grandma he was too frail to have any treatment so they just made him comfortable and he seemed happy remembering old times and living in the past.

I didnt go to see him when we were last week, I have had enough  of hospitals and hospices to last me a few years yet, all with no positice outcome. I had to rind Baz's ship yesterday to tell him, he got piped and he thought I had broken something or done something wrong. I dont know why he would have thought that because if I do need to call him I always call his mobile. Strange man.

I wish there was something exciting going on so I had loads to tell you but I dont Im afraid. We had Marcus down this week and OH MY GOD am I glad he's home. He was getting right on my nerves yesterday, crawling across the floor, talking baby talk, not answering questions just a shake or nod of the head or a shrug of the shoulders. I was so close to exploding it was ureal. Then today when we got him home he was antagonizing the dogs and playing with the cat like he was a toy and call Baz names and shouting.

Kelly has a rescued kitten in her house, some man was caught kicking it in the air, I really want it but Baz wont let me. Helen is going to work on him for me. She is a beautiful little thing and I have already called her Tiggy because she has black stripes. Baz says we cant have her because of Ben and the chinchellas but Im sure it would OK. Cats are like chinchellas really easy to look after.

Anyway I think Im going to go, I will write again soon.

Miss you lots and lots, Love you lots and lots.


  • FormerMember

    Awww Laura, sorry to hear about Bass

    granddad.Its better to remember him as

    he was before he was ill.Men do tend to

    think us women are stupid sometimes,as

    if you would go to his ship if you had broken something. we are so lost without Anyway Laura i will pm you soon,i have some photos to send you.

    Ithink thy may cheer you up.

    With Love Lucylee. xxxx