
2 minute read time.

Hi Mummy

Things are such mess, and I dont know how to make it all right. Daddy has a go at James whenever Alison is round. He had a go at him the other night for chopping the tomatoes the wrong way, just because he and Alison like them quartered. It was pathetic and Kay and I said to James to keep calm and let it go over the top of his head. I think James would be able to do that if Daddy stopped teating him like a 5 year old and started treating him like he is 21 when she is around. Aparently things aren't like that when it is just James and Daddy but I never see it because she is already around and he never talks to us.

He took us to Ask the Wednesday before my birthday and she came too, no problem there except that Daddy made no effort to talk to anyone else, I was trying to tell him about something that happened up in Ipswich but he wasnt interested. Instead he held her hand and looked at her and ignored everyone else at the table. I know I should be grateful for my birthday present but it was really cheap. I liked it but since when do I shop in Monsoon or Accesorize. I know I sound ungrateful and I honestly dont mean too but when you put so much effort and thought into our birthday and Christmas presents, its hard to take this unthoughtful way.

Apparently I she has been in James' room too. She made a comment about James' room which was not a positive one from what I can gather and James went mad. According to Kay she was joking but even so she should still not have said anything and if she has been going in James' room I am going to be furious.  James and Kay had been out and as soon as they got in she moaned that she had spent hours cleaning the house and then James said he was going to make something to eat and she said dont make a mess. I know he may make a mess whilst he's cooking but he does clean up afterwards.

I am getting the feeling she wants Daddy to herself and for the 3 of us to be ignored, well if thats the case its working. I honestly think that once James is in the RAF and Sarah is at uni he wont have much to do with me. He didnt even phone me on my birthday to wish me a happy birthday just sent me a text in the evening to say happy birthday.  

If you could help me by telling me what to do to make things better, I dont care how you do it. A dream, a sign that everything is going to be OK I would really appreciate it. If anything can make it all OK its you. I miss you so much, please please let me know that everything is going to be OK. I have spent the day close to tears and when Baz left for rugby earlier I just cried and cried. I could have done with a hug from my Mummy.  

Love you lots and lots. Miss you lots and lots. XXXXX

  • FormerMember

    im sending you a great big cyber hug


    ............tell james to leave the tomatoes whole ...tell them to chop their own up how ever way they want !

  • FormerMember

    Thanks Norm

    He is a great lad and an ace brother. Just annoys me that my Dad doesnt treat him like a grown up.

    That did make me laugh. Thanks.


  • FormerMember

    glad i made u laugh hun xXx

    i think all mums n dads prob the same

    when i stay with my mum and help cook ..... i never chop the potatoes up the rite size ! some too big some too small !!!! she always tells me off

    hahaha .....and im over 50 !!!!

    tell james and bet next time hes preparing food he.ll smile too!


  • FormerMember

    I will I think he needs something to smile at the moment.

    Thank You.
