Keep Me Calm

2 minute read time.

Hi Mummy

Im asking you huge favour for tomorrow. I need you to give me the strength to keep  calm tomorrow if Grandpa starts to have a pop at me. Im meeting Ann-Louise in the M&S Cafe tomorrow morning and then Grandpa is going to meet us there.

The thing is I have been so busy with my in-laws lately that I have barely had time to see anyone when we have been home, because it has been non stop washing and housework before we have to go back up again. I dont think he will understand. Even when I tell him that we have spent a lot of time in Ipswich because Grandad passed away and then were a couple of porblems with Helen, nothing serious just  stuff she could have done without. Im not sure he will believe me when I say that  we have been that busy I hadnt seen Daddy properly since my birthday.

So Im asking you please please please give me the strength to stay calm and help me stop going off on one at him if he does persist in telling me how bad I am for not seeing him.

Anyway on a lighter note, we have a new kitten. We rescued her from Kelly and she is called Tiggy and so very affectionate and falls asleep on our bed, I know you were'nt a cat person but I think you would have liked her, she is so funny and lively and great company when Baz is away.

How have you been? Done anything interesting up there? I hope you are fine. I asked Daddy if we could gat a plaque at the crematorium for you so I had somewhere I could vsit and make look nice for you but he said they dont do that because everyone would want one and then there would be no room because it would be too crowded. He said that that is why they have the book of remembrance but that is only open on one page for one day of the year and for me thats not enough. Its got me wondering if I would want to be cremated when Im old and gone and Im not so sure anymore. A burial is more emotional than a cremation but the fact that there is a place where loved ones can go and visit just seems so nice. I have no idea why Im thinking like that at 24 but like you always said live every day to the full because you never know when your last day will be. I hope I do live every day to the full.

My friend said to me yesterday that I am really pretty, Im not used to hearing that and I had no idea what to say to that so I just laughed and said um thanks. Baz is away again, but he will be back Friday afternoon and then sails Saturday and then I have no idea when he is on or off, I have it written in an email but I do pay attention? NO, it just goes right over my head. Not a good thing really.

Anyway I will write again soon.

Miss you lots and lots, Love you lots and lots

