
1 minute read time.

Hi Mummy

I know I havnt written to you for ages, but Baz has had the lap top at work so I havnt been able to get on for a while. He is this really funny rota at the moment. He has 2 days on, then 2 days off, then 2 days on and 4 days off.

Not much has happened since I last wrote to you, we are up in Ipswich at the moment visiting everyone. We mainly came up because Marcus is being bullied at school and Kelly wanted us to come up. So up we came. He seems fine though, laughing and mucking around, just being a typical boy.

We have seen some friends and had dinner at various people's houses. We went to this Robin Hood thing yesterday and Baz dressed up as Robin Hood, tights and all may I add. You would have laughed your socks off. Emma L was so embarrassed but I know Baz so I was expecting it to be a lot worse than it was. The kids came with us and we went over to Bryan and Emma's and the 3 of them came with us too, or did we go with them because they asked us about it. Anyway we all went together. Then yesterday we had dinner at Kelly's, I only ate some of it.

Today we saw Jade, Chrissie and Faith and then went over to Bryan and Emma's for dinner and then we went to Felixstowe and went to the arcades, Jay is going through the phase of asking questions at the moment. It can get annoying but Im sure you know all about that as you did bring up 3 kids.

Anyway Im just at Helen's house with Des as Baz hsa popped out to take Kelly to her friend's house and then he is going to find me some custard doughnuts. I really want some doughnuts.

James is at our house with Kay looking after our petting zoo. Well 1 hamster and 2 chincehllas. I had a dream last night that we had a cat and a dog and triplets. Is that a vision of the future or just a bad dream? It felt real anyway, whatever it was.

Anyway Im out of things to say now so I will let you go.

Take Care

Love you lots and lots, Miss you lots and lots.

