Feeling like a fraud

2 minute read time.
Hi Mummy Here I am on a Saturday night with Cora sound asleep tucked up in bed and I'm watching Saturday night tv (which thankfully is starting to get better). Im sat here reading peoples stories of their battles with such an evil disease and I feel like an idiot and that Im going to go to this appointment on Tuesday and waste their time when it could have been given to someone who really needed it. I know I need to get this thing, whatever it is, sorted. It's not just me my health affects now it affects Cora too but it still doesn't make this feeling any better to deal with especially as I read the leaflet the QA sent me and now I'm nowhere near scared as I was. I wish I had had Cora earlier so you could have met her but if that was the case then Cora may not have been Cora and I can't imagine not having her in my life at all and she wouldn't have your name as a middle name. When I was pregnant with her I knew straight away she was going to be a girl. I don't know how I knew I just knew. People say then can see you in her but I cant see it, I just see Cora. Every day I think 'what would you think of her?' 'What would you be saying to her?' 'How would you be with her?' It wasn't just your family and friends that were robbed of you any grandchildren that come along are robbed too and I feel like that for Cora. I know she will know no different and Alison loves her just as if she was her biological granddaughter and Cora loves her too there is Jo doubt about that but I just wish my princess could have you in her life too. I had a dream this morning whilst I was lying in as Cora stayed with Baz last night, I dreamed if my new house it was a bungalow but on different levels and it didn't look much from the outside but it was huge and modern inside and really nicely decorated just how I would have it. The master bedroom had a moving wall so I could have half for sleeping and half for living and Cora's room all was dusty pink with pink voile hanging down the walls and butterflies hanging from it while the walls were fairies painted on them and the furniture in her room was french white vintage wood style it was beautiful. I wonder if this place exists and it's on my price range hahahahaha. I would love it!!!! So if you could give me a hand in finding the perfect place for me and my girly I would very much appreciate it. I don't want much just 2 big double bedrooms really and a shower over the bath is all I really need :-) I will write to you again soon. Love you and miss you still. Xxxxxxxxxx
  • FormerMember

    HI Laura


    Just stopping by to see how you are doing today, hope everything went well 

    with your appointment.


    Much love and hugs to you and Cora




  • FormerMember
    Hi Irene Yes it all went well, for some unknown reason my hormones went a bit crazy last month which caused all these bizzare symptoms. They said it was good that I went and got it checked and that it could happen again and if it does to go back to my doctor so they have a record of it and advised me that evening primrose would be a good thing to use to ease it should it happen again. So I'm relieved that there is nothing serious wrong. How are you doing today? I hope you are doing well. Love Laura and Cora. Xxxxx
  • FormerMember

    HI Laura


    I am so pleased for you, hormones do strange things to us women lol I am doing ok thank

    you, we Just have to keep going don't we, and having children in your life certaintley keeps

    you on your toes, do you find that It helps talking to your mum on here? I find it hard now that

    when we talk about Nicky it is as it will always be  in the past tense and everyone is moving

    on with there lives which again is how it should be, I just wish he had the opportunity to hold his

    own son or daughter in his arms and to feel the same love as I felt for him, but life isn't always

    how we would like is it otherwise we wouldn't be having this conversation now : )

    Anyway sorry for going on about me,  so glad that all is good with you, enjoy all the special things

    in your life especially your beautiful Cora who I know was Heaven sent to keep you going x

    Love & Hugs to you both




  • FormerMember
    Hi Irene How are you? Don't worry about talking about your son or what your feeling. It's good to get it out. I do find writing letters to my Mum helps me because I can say what I want and send it somewhere. If I just wrote a letter to my Mum on a piece of paper I wouldn't have anywhere to send it and I need to feel like I'm sending it to her. I know that probably sounds weird but it makes sense to me. Children definitely help when things are tough, just Cora's smile and a cuddle makes things better, she is most certainly my ray of sunshine on a cloudy day, I know that's a line from song but I just can't think which song, maybe it's the band that sang My Girl, the prentenders, temptations?!? I can see them in my minds eye I just any remember what they were called but I do love that song. I'm in a really good place right now, Im happy even though my marriage has broken down and I'm looking forward to my new future, onwards and upwards I can't remember when I last felt this positive :-). If you EVER want to talk about Nicky with me then I'm always ready to listen. We may talk about our loved ones in the past tense but our memories and love for them still live on and so they live on. Well that's what I think anyway, hah because those memories are never going to go away and that love is never going to go so if they don't go then they must live on, does any of that make any sense to you or am I just talking gobblydegook? Hahaha. I hope you start to feel peace soon and I think of you often. Love Laura and Cora. Xxxxx