Terminal Cancer

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Hi Everyone

Just thought I'd like to share my news with you all today, I was told by my oncologist that I was officially in remmission from kidney cancer!, It just shows you that from being told in february that my grade 4 cancer of the kidney may take my life this year as it was very aggressive and had spread before i knew anything was wrong with me, but now here I am about to go off on holiday to cuba and still feeling well and positive, I honestly believe that this helps in your road to recovery, you have to never let your guard slip, even if it means shoveling the anti-depressents down! Well I was told to live my life to the full and I'm going to do it! Yesssssssss sun sea and sand!!!! what else can a woman want?????!!! (apart from the obvious) lol!! I'm gona try now and grow my hair so 'I can let it down' so to speak!

Love Jilly xx
