Living After Tongue Based Cancer Diagnosis and Treatment!

Less than one minute read time.

There I was about to tuck in to my lush breakfast roll from my local deli when I received a call from my Oncologist telling me that they had in fact discovered a small carcinoma uptake at the base of my tongue, having had 2 "all clears" from them previously.

Well directly after the call ended, having been reassured I have a 90 - 99% chance of recovery, the breakfast roll still ended up in the bin untouched as I immediately started to cry worrying about my loved ones, including my 3 boys, and how I didn't want to let them down by not being there!

Fast forward 3 years I'm still here, minus 2 stone, my saliva glands, 30-40% taste loss and still with a very sensitive mouth. The good news is I had my first curry all-be-it a Korma with extra cream!

BUT I want to offer encouragement to others who are about to start their treatment for head and neck/tongue based cancer and say IT DOES GET EASIER!

And there are meds that help with sore mouth that aids comfortable eating like Flocanazol and Nystatyn that really help me.
