How I got here.

1 minute read time.

I had been diagnosed with breast cancer (cat 2) in May 2009 and had a lumpectomy in July.  Then Bone & CT scans, which were fine.  I had 6 cycles of FEC-T and three and a half weeks of Radio.  Came out the other side and have been trying to get my life back together.  I felt unwell for approx a year after the treatment finished.  The treatment seem to cause joint & bone problems,  but what the hell, you have just got to get on with life.  Tried so hard to get a job, but to no avail.  Decided to start to retrain.  I picked accounting as I had had some experience of book keeping.  Here I am coming to the end of my first year.  Hoping this will be my road back to employment.

So went along for my routine mamogram, and 2 weeks later, diagnosed with breast cancer again, this time cat 3 in the other breast.  I ask myself why me.  What have I done or not done to make this happen again?

So I was sent to Guy's for the gene test to see if it is family related.  Still awainting the results.

Last week went to have the micro bubble test on my lymph nodes, they took a biopsy.  Had bone scan & CT scan.  Tomorrow I will find out the results. 

These are the things I should be concentrating on.  Instead I am having to do battle with the DWP to change from Jobseekers allowance to ESA.  You give them all the info they ask for and still they can't get their act together, what is wrong with these people (not the staff personally) just the bloody system!




